Does any of this trigger anything for any of you spouses of ADDers? It was part of an article in The Atlantic.
"Four researchers from Ouachita Baptist University in a recently published study note that "a lot of personality" generally means people who are sociable, energetic, and emotionally expressive. They’re confident and assertive. They are (gag) “bubbly,” the study found. “It appears that a lack of animation and outward expression of emotions” is important to the perception that someone lacks a personality, the authors write. And thus, the study comes to a timeworn, frustrating phenomenon: People seem to confuse bombastic displays of “ME!” with a rich interior life. No personality really just means quiet, and quiet is seen as unlikable. People who are just trying to go with the flow, to not say anything that might piss anyone off, to not loudly voice their lunch-place preference, haven’t been doing themselves any favors.When you keep your personality on the inside, people think it doesn’t exist. The tyranny of extroversion persists."
The part that got me is the comment "gag" about bubbly personalities. I detest the over bubbly personality and flee from it gagging. DH sometimes eludes to his funniness personality and that I could have a better sense of humor.....(to "humor"him"). He is a clown and overdoes it with inane weird comments that make me want to crawl under my chair. Of course, if you don't have to live with this, you can laugh at him being the foolish jokester. I know I would....and I did when we were dating. But when you are married to someone like him, it frustrates you because joining in on the "fun" makes you a foolish silly pants too. I would like to be comfortable with making light and feeling carefree and having a good time. But I feel a need to be on guard and not fall in to the juvenile weirdness. He overdoes it and seems unaware of what is appropriate for his audiences. And unaware of the situations. He is focused on his own adolescent enjoyment and pleasure.
His silliness has put a damper on my own ease at being carefree and funny. I used to be witty and urbane and fun. Now, I must admit, I probably do seem like a stick in the mud when we are together. I don't like that about myself. I seem to be too much in my head and leery of making a fool of myself. I was once a medium status extrovert. I am now more introverted. Anyone else?
But, I also cannot tolerate those people who try too hard to be seen as cute and loud and clowny in their older years.
I suppose I like silly, weird
I suppose I like silly, weird and somewhat juvenile behaviour as well as bubbly extroversion... so, it doesn't worry me. I do understand how it is stressful if you do care though.
On a more practical side, it is part of the impulse control issue side of ADHD. Whatever comes along is said or done sans thought, even if the individual is horrified or hates it. Often, even if they do hate it they will try to make it 'normal' as in 'just my sense of humour'... because they cannot easily stop and it helps smooth over the shame. This is their brain and really, it always will be.
Someone with ADHD can train their frontal lobe to give a few more seconds between thought and words with mindfulness, but it is hard. My partner counts back from 10... or says the inappropriate things to me in private (and I know him better) to get it out of his system so he doesn't humiliate himself.
Quid ignorantia sit multi ignorant.
-- Hugh of Honau
Your post Jenna reminds me of the c ur self rule....
***When a person is subjected to, to much of a nerve rubbing behavior...Their tendency will usually be to go to far in the opposite direction***
When I attempt to speak into any behavior that I feel is a problem...(disrespectful, intrusive, or irresponsible etc)...I have to be careful that I don't push to hard in the opposite direction (and end up being just as wrong).....There are different reasons we get in trouble when we attempt to point out what we consider dysfunctional behaviors....If we really want to be self aware, and limit arguments etc...We have to c ourselves in these moments....What I have found out about myself is....
1) I do not do well with denial....2) I do not do well with blame and redirection attempts (blame game)...3) I do not do well with "could care less attitudes" ....
So in my case, I've had to learn to get my message's across w/o verbally pointing things out.....In order to keep myself from the frustration and anger that can jump to the forefront (my tendency) to often when my requests or met w/ the above responses....
Another thing about personality (most of us who are add, or have been in a relationship for any length of time w/ a high level add minded individual, personality can seem to be all over the place, because it's mood driven, a high percentage of the time (with my wife anyway..... (her personal interest, medications, depression, mornings, evenings, who is present, who is not present...and so on).....One thing I've learned about add minds...It's like the weather in the South...If you don't like it, just wait a bit, it's sure to change...
It sounds like his "Nothing is serious, life is just a joke attitude, has pushed you the other way a little to far....It's probably not that you can't be yourself, (the old you) it's just that you haven't been able to be that person with him for so long, you feel you've lost it....It's similar to being gas lighted....When a person is constantly met with negative responses (being made fun of, being ignored, etc) for just being who they are...They will learn to change (withdraw or suppress their true selves) in the interest of self preservation, and to limit the conflict that can so easily arise....
***My thoughts about this change you feel you have went through....Let's say your husband wasn't in the picture, all of a sudden you were single, and on a date with a guy....And his view of you was completely respectful and attentive....A person who was comfortable in conversations, who could listen, without judgments, or interruptions, someone completely accepting....Who didn't feel he had to force his opinion's on you....It would be no time until you were comfortable being the person you enjoy being...(IMO)...