Forum topic: Need advice


Hello everyone!
My daughter was diagnosed ADHD about 2yrs ago. She is married on the papers only as far as her "DH" left her 18 months ago and they didn't live together since that moment. Soon after the separation she met a wonderful man who was really supportive to her and they slowly started dating. However her so-called marriage is a great obstacle towards her future personal life. She contacted her ex to get divorced, he said he would agree to everything, but he is not gonna file for it and she has to proceed with the divorce by herself. That's for sure that she is not gonna cope with it by herself and I am not gonne leave her, but y legal training is far beyond from perfection. I have googled for divorce forms  however don't have a clue how to file them. Maybe somebody has been through this? Any help would be appreciated.


Hi Lucy,

I haven't yet been through this myself but plan to use a lawyer just to make sure everything is done right. Based on the link you provided, it seems like you are in Canada. If so, I have found this site helpful: 

It seems like the papers you need and the filing process will be different based on which province you live in. There are some free legal consultation services for matters like this available. Maybe that would be the most help.


I am sorry to hear about your daughter, however that's extremely nice of you to be so supportive and thoughtful! She's lucky to have you and I believe she deeply appreciates that! I haven't been in similar situation, however I gues you should really proceed with a divorce as soon as possible. I have found a self-help divorce service where they say that they could provide support with filing, however I haven't heard about them and none of my friends. I believe you might not wanna turn to lawyers in case of diy divorce, but to me it is an option to get legal aid service. When my sister was getting custody issues with, she turned to volunteers from this site but as far as you are from CA as I get, you better look for the suitable option in your state. Best of luck! Your daughter deserves to have a great life!