My husband left me impulsively without a moments notice, to cover up his impulsivity he fabricated the split was amicable. It's so hard to get even the closest friends and family to understand and give support, unless someone has lived with a person with ADHD it so hard to relate. I accommodated him so much because his solution to problems is to threaten divorce and pack his bags and run. My husband is ADD not hyperactive so he comes across so passive, pleasant and patient. He doesn't even have to explain himself people just assume I'm the problem and reassure him that his completely fine. Although he has been diagnosed with it, people around him are enabling his behaviour by valididating his feelings that it's me gaslighting him and his ADD must be minor because they don't notice it. It's heartbreaking and isolating. Has anyone here had their ADD partners fabricate events of abuse which haven't actually taken place?
My ex did that all the time
My ex boyfriend rearranged events in his mind to suit his constant narrative that everything is always someone else’s fault. Even now, a full six years after I broke up with him, he still writes very long angry emails saying because of me he lost money and is financially ruined. All he ever lost was access to MY money. He quit his job about 6 months after we started living together. He never worked for the entire 10 years we were together. All he did was start many home remodeling projects, finishing some that I had to get redone correctly by a professional. He still does not have a job. I paid for everything... his food, shelter, dental bills, paid for his AC tech certificate, mountains of tools, health insurance, everything! I swear, they tell these made-up stories long enough until they believe them. Several of my friends said he contacted them repeatedly, trying to get them “on his side” to the point that they blocked him. It is really sad that after all of this time has passed, and I am happily married now, he continues to blame his troubles on me. He seems to have absolutely no ability to do anything but voice his grievances at me, while I have moved on to a happy and healthy life. Folks like this seem to be unable to problem solve, so they complain, blame others, or in your case run away from the problem. My ex ran away in anger a few times too, threatening to jump off a nearby cliff. My therapist told me that threatening suicide is very manipulative. If folks like this would just see how childlike, impulsive, unreliable and angry they appear to us, you would think they might be motivated into changing their behavior... but alas it’s like John Belushi said, “But NOOOOO!!!!!”
You survived the 'non-ADHD' experience. Congrats!
Of course it is never 'over'. Never.
Why endure this pain ? Do you
Why endure this pain ? Do you think he's going to ever stop ?
The answer is no he won't. Get out and live a happy life.