Forum topic: Medicated and can't control symptoms

I am 45 years old and married with combination type ADHD with anxiety.  My marriage is falling apart and when we talk I can't control my symptoms and it is pushing my wife further away.  I can't remember dates and names,  emotional outbursts,  crying,  inability to sit still during conversations,  and having to take too many breaks to composer myself in order to try and have a conversation. It seems the harder I try,  the more I push her away.  Do I need more meds,  is this normal,  why does it make me feel like a failure?  I need help,  my doctor just wants to write a prescription and send me an article here and there.  I'm lost! 


The difference between 2 therapists can be night and day. One can prescribe meds and listen to you talk but never challenges you.  Another can ask thoughtful questions, helps you strategize a better plan, and expects you to do homework between sessions. Managing you life requires more than meds. 

You are an adult with a reality that you need to face and deal with, your spouse does not need to be part of that process..

I understand what you are dealing with to a large degree...Do the little things for yourself to help yourself....The worse thing you can do for anxiety is to take stimulates, worry, or be involved in conflict...Do not take, eat or drink any thing w/ stimulates...Tea, Coffee, certain meds etc....ADHD hasn't just hit you at age 45, what is happening with you and happen's with most adhd minded people, (and non adhd people as well) is the conflict! Stress and conflict makes forgetfulness so much worse.....

Do what you have to to manage your own behaviors, it's up to you to care enough to put in the work to manage your anxiety....That only happen's when you clean up your life. that takes will power and self-discipline! Clean up your life in the area's that is creating the anxiousness...If you quietly do the work, it will get better...But, don't expect your spouse to be responsible for your mental and emotional health...The work is up to you...

