I just came across this community and felt like it might be helpful to share my story / current situation. I've been in a 6.5 year relationship with a VERY ADHD partner. We were best friends for almost 10 years before we started dating (since high school)....we have a lot of the same interests, he makes me laugh, is fun, smart, hardworking, and one of my favorite people. However, the relationship has literally never been easy. I feel like we have had to work so hard at it and it's honestly just exhausted me [beyond repair, I'm worried]. I feel like I'm the one who has had to make all the sacrifices and give up my needs. And it just feels so unbalanced. I feel unloved, unseen, neglected, taken for granted, and often feel like I need to behave in a parent capacity (which is really unsexy / a huge turnoff for me). We have sex, but there's literally no romance outside of that. And it hurts me that he shows up very differently for his circles than he does for mine....i.e. he can turn on for his coworkers/friends, but does not show up in the same way for mine if he's not in the mood (which is often)....yet I always show up with energy for him & his circles.
He is constantly distracted, gets absolutely absorbed in his phone, never asks me about my life (even though I constantly ask him with questions), can be very moody in a way that really affects me and brings me down (zero emotional boundaries), can't compartmentalize, and very volatile emotions. We did therapy for a year, have had countless conversations, and written letters expressing my needs - but I feel like nothing ever changes....at least not long term.
I know he's a good person & I know the problems in our relationship stem from a mental illness, but I also have needs (and suffer from anxiety/am pretty sure I have a little ADHD as well, just not as much) and I just don't know that I'm the right partner for someone like him who naturally needs more in the relationship. I am very independent, but deep down I've also realized that I crave a partner who can take care of me, support me, and make me feel special....and so far he's really fallen short here. I know I would have ended this relationship years ago if we hadn't already been good friends for so long....but even with that foundation, I'm not sure it's enough. I love him...but in the process I feel I haven't been showing myself self-love.
I told him I thought we should break up, and he acted like he was in total shock [which really goes to show how little he pays attention to me since I've majorly depressed over this relationship for a couple weeks]. He wrote me a letter expressing how he was going to start trying harder to make me feel loved and taken care of....but I just don't think I can trust him.
Anyways, I don't really have specific questions....but if anyone has been through anything similar or can offer any words of advice, I'd really appreciate it. This is definitely one of the hardest things I've ever had to come to terms with.
is he medicated?
is he medicated?
yes he's medicated - pretty
yes he's medicated - pretty sure most of the time since childhood. He's on wellbutrin and I think something else too currently.
I.. feel you. I recently got married and my partner is becoming someone less and less I imagined myself with. While we still show our love and support in little ways as best we can, it's over shadowed by the short coming and my loss of temper - feeling like a mother to my husband more than a wife---- not something I ever pictured. And I am terrified by it, because now we are legally married. We haven't had intimacy but 3 times since our marriage 5 months ago... I'm hurting on the inside but and trying to stay strong on the outside and power through it, without loosing my $&@!. I'm glad I came across this forum now... maybe there is a glimps of hope, but some how the little voice in the back of my mind keeps telling me divorce is inevitable-- which is incredibly scary and embarrassing to admit, but true. Hoping I can find the light at the end of this tunnel instead of myself managing two people.. sadly I have though about a doner, because now discovering my future kids could've possibly have this issue... that I don't think I could handle multiple people in my house... I might just become a hollow shell... I feel you.
- how did I end up here
I'm so sorry you are also
I'm so sorry you are also going through this. It really really sucks. But hopefully you can find some solace in knowing you aren't the only one dealing with these issues. And I'm sorry about the lack of intimacy - I know from experience, it's really hard to keep the romance alive when you feel like you're having to take care of someone like their parent (literally nothing is less sexy lol). Is he medicated? Is he aware of this issues his ADHD has caused? Reading this blog and listening to Chase & Sara Kosterlitz's Relationship Advice podcast (specifically on setting emotional boundaries & emotional manipulation) gave me better language to discuss the issues I was having (there were so many things I felt but I didn't have the exact words to know how to express previously).
Consider carefully
As someone who is married to someone with ADHD, my best advice is to really explore if he's willing to do the work/therapy before you have kids. I can't tell you how many books I read, therapist I dragged him to, etc. My searching is what led to me discovering that it might be ADHD. Once he was diagnosed and started medication, I signed us up for Melissa's couple seminar. Well, I went through the seminar 95% by myself, so not much has changed in our relationship. I say all that to say if he isn't dedicated to work on making changes, it won't get better. Unfortunately, it took me too long to figure out that this cycle/behavior would continue. Now with 2 kids, divorce feels like the hardest thing in the world. I'm still seriously considering it as my last resort, but if I knew then what I know now...![heart heart](//cdn.ckeditor.com/4.14.0/full-all/plugins/smiley/images/heart.png)
Hi, wow your story is so
Hi, wow your story is so similar to mine. I've been with my ADHD partner 10 years, I have exactly the same experiences, and I am so tired, exhausted. Also, mine started medication (dexamphetamine) and it changed him into a super cocky person who irritates me to no extend. Sometimes I just want to scream "shut up, shut up, shut up". But I don't, I just nod and smile to keep the peace. I am about to check out after 10 years, the medication changed all the rules I had learned to live a good life with him. Now that I have to "start over again" and with a person I don't really like, I just don't think I can.
Ugh I'm sorry you are also
Ugh I'm sorry you are also going through this....it REALLY sucks. I hope you find the courage to do what you need to do to find happiness <3
Very relatable. Integrity has
Very relatable. Integrity has nearly vanished, to where you don't feel he can fulfill any promises he makes. I am in a similar situation, although only have been with him for a year. And then, you start to feel crazy for having to ask someone for more love, support, and affection. And for them to care about you. You think, "I should never have to ask for such things to begin with, in a relationship." At least, that's how I've started to feel. The things that are lacking, are becoming dealbreakers. How can I possibly be supported through the ups and downs of life, if I'm constantly worried about his mental health instead? Worried about how he will handle the stress, and feeling so lonely in my own stressors.
I have the same desires, to be taken care of, to be with someone responsible, goal-oriented, ambitious, light-hearted, and above all, kind and loving. Without the kindness and lovingness lately, I am totally beat and worn out. He is just too sensitive and stubborn, and hardly has the energy to be encouraging, excited about anything I'm doing, or just..positive about me or what I share with him. I think our relationship is not feasible with this lack of care. I cannot see myself making such a huge sacrifice to just "make things work."
I'm sorry that I don't have advice currently, but what is helping me is to write down all of the things I do for my partner, and checking whether or not it helps both me and him grow. Lately, I'm finding myself "burnt out" on helping, because it often gets treated with dismissiveness or rejection. So, if I am no longer capable of being the support he needs, and he isn't either, then the relationship is expired.
This is water.
Literally everything in your
Literally everything in your comment I feel so intensely.
I left last week. I just was so exhausted from having to beg for attention, support, affection, etc (and I'm honestly really low maintenance / independent so my bar was pretty low to begin with). He's not a bad person and I'm devastated but I didn't know how else to get through & don't feel I should have to live life without these things. He acted "shocked" and "confused" which honestly made me feel a bit angry - as I had felt like a broken record asking for my needs to be met.
Our story had such a romantic origin....I feel like I held on for too long. Now I have to figure out how to move on.
Shocked and Confused.
My ex husband acted shocked and confused when I filed for divorce. That just proves that he wasn't paying attention all along to my feelings. The crazy thing is he knew damn well what he was doing with his controlling behavior and verbal and emotional abuse. He did not have ADD, he was a narcissist.
I am happy for your decision.
I am happy for your decision. It takes a lot of courage to leave a relationship. And faith that things can, and will get better. How have you been doing now? Certainly get all of the therapy you need/can afford. Find the social support you need, even if it's support groups for now, or this forum. Wishing you well.
This is water.