To the list of fantastic ADHD books already recommended, I'd like to add one not specific to, but perhaps helpful for ADHD challenges: "Positivity..." by Dr. Barbara Fredrickson. The author explains the results of her studies (she's at UNC) and others that support how a certain ratio of positivity to negativity (not a "Polly Anna" response) is effective for expanding one's opportunities for success. I am not a scientist and have not read the referenced studies, but it seems worth further exploration.
Just Listen by Mark Goulston
This one has moved me to stop yelling at my hubby, and to start listening. It's also helped me in other areas too. It's classed as a business book, but it applies to anyone in any difficult communication situation.
And taught me better communication techniques in every page. The title is a little tongue in cheek, but you don't get the joke straight away... like when you go on a 'Communicating with Difficult People' course and find out that to some people you might be the Difficult one :)
Apparently offensive Doctor Who quote now removed from my signature. Peace to all!
Hi sapphyre,
I'll check that one out. What else have you read? Have you tried the one that's advertised on this site? I just bought it, so i'm hoping it's got some good insights.