Forum topic: Nurturing the Soul

There are a lot of posts on this site about fixing specific problems, like division of housework and chores.  As a non-ADD spouse, I completely agree that these solutions are necessary to create the absolutely necessary relief in the frustrating cycle caused by ADD.  But once you start to get past these little things, I'm wondering what a long-term life with someone with ADD means.

I believe that marriage -- at last a successful one -- is based on being soul mates.  That, in turn, means that you and your partner understand each other more than anyone else in the world.  I've read a LOT of marriage books, including Dr. Hallowell's latest book, Married to Distraction, and all of them emphasize the importance of connection -- of taking time to listen to your spouse, understand how they see the world, and to let them know that you empathize with it.

There are a lot of different strategies in these books, but so far I have found that none of them seem to work for us.  I am assuming that it's because of the ADD, and not that it's just my husband.  Some examples:

1.  One popular marriage coaching series has its first step "talk charges."  These are 4-5  60 second (at least) interactions you have a day which are non-logistical.  In other words, no calling to find out if hubby is going to pick up the drycleaning.  You call to share a story, a thought, etc.  (And BTW, he says don't call to just say "I love you," this creates an obligation to reciprocate and also doesn't give you a chance to connect over something substantive, like say the funny thing your son did that morning).  Sounds great, right?  Except that my husband NEVER calls me during the day -- too hyperfocused on work and rarely picks up the phone when I call.  If he does answer, he's rushed, stressed, and distracted.  Great, let's move on.

2.  Another connection strategy is about giving gifts.  The tip I read was that gifts should show intimacy, or in-to-me-see.  In other words, they should demonstrate a deep knowledge of that person, and what would nurture their soul.  It's not about cost or value.  So, for example, I know my husband's dream is to write a book.  For his birthday this year I bought him an online writing course.  He loves it.  It fulfills him, he looks forward to it, and really no one else would have thought to do that because no one else knows this dream of his.

My husband never buys me gifts.  OK, never is a strong word -- sometimes he will run out the day of birthday/mother's day/whatever and get whatever he sees at the store.  For years he gave me a pair of house slippers for every occasion, I have no idea why.  Last year for my birthday he got me a Snuggie from Walgreens.  Again, no clue what connection that had to do with anything in my life.  I got nothing for Christmas, for our anniversary nothing either.  I feel like such an afterthought, and like I'm a total burden because I "force" him to have to think about me four times a year.  It is so depressing.

Keep in mind that even before I learned of the ADD I gave him lists of gifts I would like.  Things like specific perfume brands, with links to the websites that sell them.  I have cut out things from magazines, which contain the phone number/website of something I would like.  And folks, these are not expensive things.  And then I get a Snuggie.  I am really considering just buying myself gifts from now on and asking him to just hand them to me on the occasion, maybe we can just play act the whole thing.

3.  Another idea of giving is to give three "gifts" a day -- things like making coffee, doing one of their chores for them, etc.  The idea here is that you anticipate their needs -- which again means that you know them very intimately.  Maybe it's a day you let your spouse sleep in while you get the kids up, because you know she is tired.  The long-term effect of this is to build up good feelings and to allow your spouse to feel inspired to reciprocate, so that you end up in a positive cycle of giving.

I've tried this, and end up just being taken advantage of (that's what I feel like, I don't think it's intentional from my husband).  My husband just doesn't notice what I do, or make the connection that he is receiving, and that he ought to give.  I know he hates doing laundry, so each week I wash, dry, and fold his clothes.  I let him sleep in on weekends (even though I am the one taking care of the kids all week and work also).  I'll take care of his bills, or record one of his favorite TV shows to watch that I know he will miss.

He doesn't reciprocate.  Whatever the trigger is that in normal people would make them say, "Gee, that was really nice.  Maybe I'll do something nice, too."  Doesn't happen.  I think he would literally let me get up early every day for the rest of my life and never feel any guilt or obligation to do the same back.  Again, I have given him ideas.  At our counselor's suggestion, I emailed him a list of 10 things that would make me feel loved -- things that he USED to do (so I know he is capable of doing it).  These were things like filling up my gas tank on weekends, or calling during the day (see #1), making me dinner, etc.  He's never done a single thing from the list (unless he had to for himself, like he was driving the car and about to run out of gas), I think he's forgotten that he even has it.

4.  Just talking.  Hallowell's book has a series of 30-day exercises, all of which revolve around spending 30 minutes just talking to each other.  I haven't even bothered with this one.  From the time he gets home, he is poking away on his iPod touch (which I want to fling out the window) or texting, or something.  I used to call my friends to fill the void of having no one to really talk to, but I stopped a while ago, just so I could absorb what I huge whole of intimacy we have in our lives.


Keep in mind that this is with someone who is taking meds and TRYING.  We've made some improvements in terms of him doing more around the house and with the kids.  Maybe all of this emotional stuff will happen over time, and I'm just being impatient.  But given how hard it is for him to do the very basic physical things -- make sure to call if he's late, brush the kids' teeth before bed, etc., I just can't imagine getting to a point where we are more than business partners and coparents.  Is this as good as it gets?  We find better ways to divide up chores and then we basically live parallel lives otherwise?  I'm afraid that won't be enough for me to be happy in this.

Any suggestions (and please don't suggest he read The Five Love Languages -- he usually can't get past the first page or two of any relationship self-help book).


I wish I could write as well as you. You expressed exactly what my life is like. He falls asleep before 10 and I'm alone every night. This is not what I got married for. He looks like the guy I fell in love with, but emotionally nothing like him. It sounds silly to say you miss your husband when he's in the same house with you, but I do.

Hugs to you. We are members of the same sorority.

I continue reading the last comments and I continue finding my own life in most of the posts. Ren has been very good at putting in words what daily life is for me also as a no-ADD wife (actually used to be, since my husband decided to separate 5 weeks ago and left our house).

I am really confused about what to do... finding this place has provided me a hope that I have not felt in the last 3 years (real hope I mean, since we tried and did several attempts of counseling but ADD was never a diagnosis done, so only therapy that he was unable to maintain, did not work) but I do not know how to make an approach on him now that he is decided to divorce. I made the question whether hyperfocus can be kept in one area -as work for example- and being expressing all symptoms of ADD in daily life and marriage or not, since it is our situation. All the issues you described here are the ones I used to live with the exception that my husband is great at work, hyper-responsible, hyper-smart, hyper-intelligent... obviously very anxious and he irritates often... so I am afraid of his reaction if I tell him ´"let´s find out if ADD in marriage is not our problem"...

I will appreciate your thoughts.

Thank you,



sapphyre's picture

I think there are some ideas in Gina Pera's book, too.

But any ideas would be great - like does the Five Love Languages come in an online DVD format we can watch together?

E.g. I couldn't get hubby to read 1-2-3 magic (parenting book), but he watched the DVDs with me and understood them :)

Apparently offensive Doctor Who quote now removed from my signature. Peace to all!

I saw a presentation of his lecture on this topic on public television, and you could get a dvd of it for making a donation. Don't know if you can watch American dvds in Australia.

sapphyre's picture

The DVD is available here, and our competition laws in Australia mean our DVD players can play any DVD from any region :)

I'll read the book first, as my husband is an atheist, and I need to judge if there is too much religion in it for him.

Apparently offensive Doctor Who quote now removed from my signature. Peace to all!

and I didn't find the religious content in the book offensive at all. Not really any religious content in the dvds.

arwen's picture

These meetings have made a very big difference for us (see my guest blog at  Among their many advantages, they:

  • limit the period of time when you are checking whether your ADHD spouse picked up the drycleaning or fixed the showerhead or paid the water bill or whatever, so that all the rest of the time *can* be spent in other more pleasant interactions
  • require a certain, relatively small amount of time away from the ipod or other fun stuff, which helps to break or reduce  those habits to some degree
  • provide a time period and forum for soul-mate discussions (not necessarily at *every* meeting, but perhaps once a week or whatever basis works for you) -- this may not seem like a lot but it can get the ball rolling -- it may seem forced initially but over time this tends to stop being a problem

You can have a pre-set agenda -- or none.  You can set whatever frequency works best for you -- we started out with three meetings a week, increased to four for a while, dropped down to two at another point, are currently back at three.  you can limit the length of the meetings to keep both of you from information/emotional overload, or you can take as much time as the agenda requires.  The main thing is that you stick to the schedule as much as possible (while allowing a bit of flexibility for the unanticipated monkey-wrench) and talk to whatever degree is necessary to get on the same page or figure out why you're not. 

For us, once we got the hang of this, it really did improve our relationship.  I used to wonder if we would ever have the old warmth and loving in our marriage, and now I can see and feel it slow creeping back in.  We are much happier and we are much more soul-mates than we have been for the last 20 years.

"It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be."  Albus Dumbledore

So much of what you express are things I experience with my wife.  I was saying to her the other day that it feels to me that we are just so disconnected all the time.  That I used to feel very close to her but that lately it feels like we are living "parallel" existances in so many ways.

She agrees.  We both feel a lack of connection, and are at a loss of how to get it back.  Like you, we have tried several things - scheduling time together, Dr. Hallowell's 30 minute talk time, reading the 5 Languages of Love book and trying some of the exercises suggested there, and more.

And yet, we are not feeling any closer, and we seem to argue, bicker and fight as much as ever.

Personally, I am finding it so exhausting.  Arguing and bickering so much.  Trying to connect through conversation, and failing.  Working so hard just to get some of her time and attention.

I'm not talking about the daily frustrations of getting day to day tasks completed, or working just to know where she is, what her schedule is, when she expects to be home, etc.

I am talking about working SO hard just to connect with her.

And I know SHE feels like she is working SO hard to remember what she is "supposed" to do (or not do) so that I don't get frustrated.

We both feel like we are failing.  We both feel like we are not connecting.  We both feel like we are working very hard.  And we are both exhausted.

I wish I had the answer.