Thought my 8 yr old son had dyslexia until recently diagnosed with ADD. I now know I have it and can recognize the family history. In addition, I am an ACOA. I feel double whammied and don't even know where to start. I've been going to ACOA mtgs for six months and they are helping. But I now clearly see many issues with my marriage. Where do I start since there are many similarities between ACOA and Add? Do I see a psychiatrist? Should I get a diagnoses first? Do I start stimulants? Do I ask my husband to go to therapy? (These last six months I think he is trying to support me but remains quiet and doesn't have much to say.) i also recognize many ACOA and ADD traits in him but when i mention these to him i think he thinks i have really lost my mind. We have just started our son on meds and it has been stressful for the both of us. Lost and confused and I don't know where or how to begin dealing with these recent discoveries.
It will be okay :)
I was not diagnosed until I was 43 and three years later I feel so much better. Yes, go to a doctor knowledgeable about ADD. Let you doctor decide which meds to try, it often takes a while to find the right med and dosage. I responded immediately and very well to Adderall. People with ADD often have alcohol issue and dyslexia and ADD runs in the family. After my diagnosis, I was reading so much about ADD that I began seeing the traits in people, especially family members. Try to focus on your son's ADD and find out if you do have ADD. The meds can make an immediate difference, counseling and continued study will really make a big difference in your life. There are many people here on this site (ADD and Non-ADDER's) who can help you through this period.
Hang in there...