Forum topic: An act of kindness returned.

Today, my H got me a glass of ice water to drink after my workout.  I didnt ask for it, I didnt expect it.  It was "flowers received, versus flowers requested" as Audrey Hepburn would say.  It was a kind aknowledgement to the hard work I am doing on my self.


A small gesture that means so much in its generosity.


Today, for the first time since he last went to cross fit, my H also got up and worked out.  He got on the elliptical and put in 20 minutes of HARD interval training.  He did this AFTER working hard in the yard, and washing the windows. He powered through it, and he sweat, and while he had to slow down a couple of times to catch his breath - he never stepped of the machine.  He put his all into it.  He DID it.  I am very proud of him.  I wanted to show my appreciation of him taking care of himself by refilling his water glass and putting more ice in it. 


A small gesture, to show I don't hate him.  I WANT him to win.  I hope he gets up there again tomorrow.  I hope tonight he enjoys his accomplishment and feels good about himself.  I hope he jumps in the pool and pretends to be a fish and just is a little kid for a bit.  I hope that he finds who he really is just for a little while.




I can appreciate this simple little post Stacey, and your feelings concerning your husband; and his efforts....

With my wife's inability to follow through and be consistent w/ diet, exercise, supplements and most things in life....The day's she comes in beaming because she made it to the gym; and had a good swim and workout and feels positive and happy about her accomplishments for that day, it makes me happy for her:).


Since...I understand what I'm no longer upsets me.  I do understand.  It's really easy for me to relate now and yesterday was a perfect case in point.  Yesterday...I did nothing but show her gestures of kindness...and we had a perfect day together and we both enjoyed it and had fun.

In that I can understand it...I can work with it and know what to do.  Possibly better...than anybody else...all things considered.  It's easy....once you know how :)


I am glad that you were able to have a good day.


I had a good day too.  It makes me happy to see him make strides to better himself.  I know how much better I feel with working towards becoming the best *me* I can be.  I will never let that go again.  Though, I dont think I really let things go - I just put my needs aside to help him focus on his.  But he lied to me.  he wanst really doing the work, all the while *I* was and making sacrifices to help him.


I look forward to a great future and a good day today.  One day at a time, sometimes one breath at a time.  I will push through.  He is leaving, and I am OK with it.  Its my mantra. 


I want him to succeed and win, nothing changes that.

*** rising from the ashes like a phoenix ***

He found it in himself to do it again today.  He did it!  He put in that work, and I am sure it was harder today than it was yesterday.  But he did it!  I am really proud of him!  I hope he finds it in him to do it tomorrow - when the soreness will be greatest.  That and he will have fighter practice that night.  it would be a REALLY good warm up for him if he does it and goes to practice.

*** rising from the ashes like a phoenix ***