Forum topic: Acting childish

When the children were young and now with our grandchildren, I now see that ADD may be playing a part in an activity that was irritating to me but I didn't know what it was.  Now I am seeing that he acts like a child when he is with children.  He is the roughest, loudest, most baby-talkish of the group.  He squeels and giggles and things ALWAYS get out of hand with someone ending up crying.  Then H stomps off saying it wasn't his fault and that I am crazy for being concerned.  I must decide each time how much I can tolerate.  How much I should expose my grandchildren to and when to tell him he is being inappropriate.  There are enough kids here to be kids with each other.  What the family needs is a model to follow, not a teaser/clown.  I had an uncle who was like this and frankly I was afraid of that uncle....too teasy.  I can't seem to talk to H about this without his being offended.  But then I guess he will just have to be offended because when there are children around, he becomes a beligerent child. I know it must not feel good when someone tells you that you are not acting appropriately but if it was me, I know that I would listen and consider if maybe I should make some changes.  But H never alters and clings to his right to act the way he wants to. 


 (But H never alters and clings to his right to act the way he wants to. ) 

Trying to engage a person who is in denial about how they live life is horrible! You can't blame them for anything! Ha Ha!....I'm going to do my best w/ God's help to not engage her about what I think is poor behaviors....It's not working great yet....I got my comments down to just asking questions and she say's the way I ask is insulting. So when I don't even ask and just walked away. She says the look on face is insulting and negitive...LOL....

This being quiet and not making comments sure has helped me gain perspective and be at peace.....She isn't comfortable...She was use to me being the Mother.....Now its' the mirror...ouch!

One other thing I do to much is use the words Never and Always...I'm going to work on that...