Dear friends, I struggle with how sick my ADD family is. We all seem ridiculously prone to colds, but I was never like this growing up or when I lived alone. I believe ADHD is somehow linked to inflammation. Is there a connection?
I found a diary note from February 9, which said at least one child had then been home sick every day since New year's. We had also all been ill for a week over Christmas. And now it's the same, at least one, more often two or three, have been at any one time down with flu-like symptoms the last month.
They said children stop getting difficult colds after the first couple of years. Mine are now in middle to high school and nothing has improved.
I try to arrange family gatherings in the winter months, but have to cancel so often it seems unlikely we'll have Christmas with relatives and I'm hoping for a birthday party later, but hesitate to send out invitations.
I was seldom ill before. I link my own sick days to the stress of living with ADHD.
Does anyone recognize this? Is there a connection between ADHD and banal infections?
Just as a witness to this dynamic I would not link ADHD directly
There are reason's for sickness and weak immune systems...Anything that produces stress in the mind an body can effect the immune system....Although there are other things that do the same....(Sleep loss, vitamin deficiency, allergies, environment, etc..)
came here to tell you this Swedish
Hey Swedish, I fully believe the same as you. Here's the thing, I recently listened to the Mel Robbin's podcast with Gabor Mate - HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU LISTEN TODAY EVEN - it's titled: Dr. Gabor Maté: The Shocking Link Between ADHD, Addiction, Autoimmune Diseases, & Trauma - you can watch on YT or listen on podcast. It will BLOW YOU AWAY and validate what you are thinking. Now, perhaps I am making a direct correlation but with my DX spouse, who has a massive history of immune deficiencies, you have to wonder HOW this happened? Just for him as an adult? And then it doesn't take rocket science to start making the links between... maybe it's not a direct link with ADHD and being sick in the moment... like, your ex's ADHD probably is not the exact cause of his cough or broncities he had last week, buuuuuuutttttt you and I both know each other's stories and deep down, it's not unlikely that consistent sickness and weak immunity is the result of long standing and/or undiagnosed illnesses. And when you listen to that podcast.... holy cow, be prepared to be in shock for a few days, let it digest and then listen again. That's what I came here to tell you.
I can exactly state that for me (in my experience before anyone comes at me!) in the last 4 years, which is when the stress levels and cortisol have really been at a constant high state, whever I have gotten sick, I can directly link it to a massive stress trigger the week before and that made me even more run down and my body couldn't fight off whatever sickness I caught later on.
And without identifying myself, I'm telling you all this above from my experience, as my child is a cancer survivor! The stress and outcomes from the stress of the last 4 years have been WORSE than when we were going thruogh hell with our kid who had cancer. I'm not exaggerating or anything. I've been in therapy for this for a while to come to terms with it. But I agree with you on all of it and yes I believe there is a correlation.
Let me know when you listen to the podcast, it's so worth it.
Thank you Off the Roller
Listened to the podcast you recommended just now. It's certainly food for thought.
Finding out how to live now is quite a challenge. How does one manage a high-stress work environment, irregular hours, intense child weeks and empty childless weeks, even when there are no complications like grief, self-doubt, bad timing, illness, and the rest?
Having worked a week but still not feeling well after 5 weeks of infection, I question if I can go on like this or need major life changes.
On the other hand, even thinking of relocating professionally makes me nauseous. I need the support of people who know and value me. I can't handle any more big changes since the divorce.
I wanted to chime in! I've
I wanted to chime in! I've heard that same episode and yes! It's very interesting his take on it. Generations and culture- we live what we know. I think he's 90 years old or something?
I wanted to say I value my health, like #1- my most important thing in life. Physical and mental. (Not so much spiritual or other) I also believe they are very tied together. I have definitely suffered physical ailments from mental anguish/ stress. (Hip stress fracture, shoulder pain, knots and pain in my upper back- Ive had so much physical therapy. And yes sinus and respiratory infections) I did go on Lexapro for about 18 months to treat stress-related physical body pain and I think that's what ultimately got me through a rough time with my SO. Not really thinking much of his past OCD diagnosis and was not yet ADHD diagnosed but he was having panic attacks and believed he had early signs of ALS after a distant family friend past away from it. My life was complete nightmare and unstable. I think there might be some form of PTSD from that time for me. Anyway ......
Taking a step back and recognizing I need to treat my mental well-being first. I have the Oura ring- it measures stress based on many variables: heart rate, sleep, activity levels learning ways to manage and have better scores, and this is what self care means to me. I sit and rest my body more and notice this makes a measurable difference in my scores. More of taking baths, reading, quiet / alone time, using my sauna, watching comedy or just doing something that is lowering my heart rate and making sure I get enough mental and physical rest. I schedule less appointments. I get it's not easy for everybody but even just consciously adding one hour into your week. I really think it makes a difference.
I enjoy reading your posts on here, I relate