Forum topic: ADHD-ers and Employment

Hello, everyone!  I just discovered this web site today and already I am so relieved: I'm not alone in my experiences as a non-ADHD partner!!!  I apologize if this topic has been covered elsewhere, I tried to find it first before posting.  My question is this: what can be done with an ADHD partner who does not seem able to hold down a job?

My man was making good money as a sub-contractor in auto body repair when I'd met him.  He lost a major contract early in our relationship and, for the first several years, I struggled to support us both as he went through long phases of unemployment speckled by short bursts of employment/underemployment.  In the past couple years, he'd found a construction-related job which seemed to be satisfying to him and brought the type of income we required.  The problem with this, it is seasonal work.  The first winter he was laid off for several months and it was very difficult because I'd come to rely on the income he was bringing in.  (We've lived together for about six years now.)

This past winter, he was laid off again, but applied for unemployment compensation - which was fine with me because I didn't care much what he did as long as our expenses were covered.  The problem, though, is that he does not seem to be in any kind of hurry to find a job again.  He claims that he has been on local companies' web sites and there is just nothing available in his desired field.  I keep telling him to go and apply anyway, but it seems that he takes it so personally when he does not hear back from a place he has applied - as if a non-response is some type of horrible rejection.

He spends HOURS upon HOURS of the day playing computer games.  He does do some cleaning and cooking around the house, so it's not like he's not contributing.  But I know the unemployment will not last forever, and he does not seem at all concerned.  He just has the attitude of certain jobs are "beneath" him.  (He doesn't *say* that, but that is the attitude.  I've suggested he get a different type of job in the interim while he looks to get one in his desired field - not interested.)

Does anyone have some suggestions?  He gets very defensive when I try to talk to him about it, regardless of how calm and non-judgmental I try to approach it.  I don't think he is lazy, because when he does have work he works very hard and it gives him a great sense of pride.  I know he does not like filling out applications because he reads and writes slowly.  He is very smart, but had a hard time in a small-town, small-minded school system.  Any ideas?


My husband gives excuse after excuse! I'm at my breaking point! I hear so many different ideas and it breaks my heart when I consider the options.

I'm sorry you are so distraught....I've been that way, way more often than I care to admit....It's difficult to accept the reality of what is really going on in our marriages and relationships....But when and if we can calm down and just become the fly on the wall...(See it like a panel of 10 stranger on-lookers would see it)...Then it gets easier to accept it for what it is....And usually we find out, what we are already know....It's full of unhealthy interaction, or non at all....(still unhealthy)....

I'm still with my W, for how long I don't know...( 1 day at a time)....We have many boundaries to protect from intrusive living, and pressing one another, but that only helps so much...It can't make a person love their role, and desire to be a responsible H or W...You just can't make someone else make a priority out of their marriage and spouse, when their heart is full of selfishness....Sadly, many of us who have run behind our spouses pointing this out, for years and years...Know this!!

My wife hurt me today...Of course I didn't tell her it hurt me...Because she never has seemed to mind hurting me...Mostly just justifies it...Or blames me....Not a lot of empathy come my way...Mostly just a competitive spirit, and the desire to manipulate or lead me into her good time thinking....But anyway...As I was thinking about what I have put up with, (maybe lived through is a better way to say it) and am still here after 11 years, it's a little surprising...(never really knew anyone lived this away) I never would have thought I would put up with so much dysfunction and abuse....

We are all different...But for me, I'm still here for a couple of reason...The main one for me is because....I hate divorce, because I love Jesus, and he hates divorce.....Secondly....I Love my Wife....And hate to allow myself to loose hope....

But as I thought on these things today.....I considered why I keep hoping against hope, instead of just stepping away to a more peaceful existence....This came to mind.....Our problems are we do not want to accept what our spouse's living of life is telling us.." You are not important, I only want what I can get out you, or you can do for me. I feel no feelings for you, that would cause me to live, love, and commit to you, on any level greater than my own selfish interests...It will always be me controlling or attempting to control any interaction between us for my perceived good"....

I'm a firm believer that most of us, who live w/ a spouse who has this type of heart and mind...(and are truly in love with them)..Find our spouses reality just to painful to accept...When a person know's they show love daily, when they know they are responsible and do the work of the marriage...It's almost impossible to accept that someone could  be so cold, so uncaring, and so blind to what could be....

The reason we have this inability is because of our own lens, our emotions and feelings.. (our thinking)....No matter how hard we try to accept the reality of our spouse....When it comes to destructive things (like divorce and broken homes) that we would never do, or approve of, we hit the wall....Many of us have no marriage...What I experience, and read about here....Sounds like dysfunctional and intrusive roommates at best, much of the time...


Welcome, Jackie. :) I hope you can find some comfort/support here.

C, I am so sorry your wife hurt you today. Some days are so hard. "Dysfunctional and intrusive roommates" could not sum up my situation (and I suspect many here) any better. Thinking of you.


Our problems are we do not want to accept what our spouse's living of life is telling us.." You are not important, I only want what I can get out you, or you can do for me. I feel no feelings for you, that would cause me to live, love, and commit to you, on any level greater than my own selfish interests...It will always be me controlling or attempting to control any interaction between us for my perceived good"....

I'm a firm believer that most of us, who live w/ a spouse who has this type of heart and mind...(and are truly in love with them)..Find our spouses reality just to painful to accept...When a person know's they show love daily, when they know they are responsible and do the work of the marriage...It's almost impossible to accept that someone could  be so cold, so uncaring, and so blind to what could be....

This is exactly where I'm stuck.  I have loved this person more and treated them better than anyone else in my life, ever, and he can turn around and stone wall me - meaning refuse to even speak to me - even by phone or text - as if I don't matter in the least.  Why can't I see that and just say, well, screw him then?  Why do I still want him to think well of me, to want to know me? 

AdeleS6845's picture

I never said "screw him" to my ex, either.  Not even after I'd filed for divorce. For the last 10 years of our marriage, I would make excuses for his behavior, almost justifying it.  Codependency.  I felt horrible and worthless as a result of how I allowed him  to treat me. I hated the person that I became.  I could not change him, only myself.  The last year of of our marriage was a nightmare.  I finally stood up for myself, put boundaries in place. Refused to engage when he was raging.  Walked away calmly, which enraged him even more.  I'm glad all of that is behind me and that I have found peace.

I am so thankful you aren't being subjected to that kind of abuse any longer!...PTL....


Could it be love?......

Could it be we are hoping for a miracle? 

Could it be we just love to suffer?.....

Could it be we are the dependent invalids in the relationship?....

Could it just be our own insecurities?

Could it be we know God is working all things for our good, so we continue to trust him for the power of patients in long suffering?

Could it be finances?

Could it be we know we would be much better in most aspects without them, but, we are so Co-dependent, it would be like throwing a minor child to the wolves of this world?

Could it be you are just enduring until your children or grown and moved out?

These are a few that come to mind....I'm sure I'm a mix of several of these....You may have your own list.....


This is poetic in it's raw truthfulness and relatability.  These are thoughts that most, if not all, of us on this forum can feel in our hearts and it bears reading and examining.

"It's not what life throws at us that defines who we are but how we respond to what life serves to us."

I keep hoping...hoping my H will decide we are important enough to him...hoping he will decide we are worth the effort. hoping he will pull his head out of his a** and use the tools he has been given that work for him when he uses them. Hasn't happened yet in 12 years... but I can't (won't?) give up. My optimism is pathological.