Forum topic: ADHD Radar

Has anyone else noticed that their ADHD person reacts strangely to other ADHD'ers?

I've noticed a pattern where my H and child are both very hostile amd contemptuous of certain people they meet, and a ittle further down the line, these people are usually the ones with some neurodiversity too.

I wonder if those people somehow threaten them? Or if they're worried their cover will be blown, or if its dysregulated emotion because they feel destabilised around others like them? Thoughts?


H used to complain about our son's ADHD traits and behaviors when son was a teen.  H exhibited the exact ones he complained about but pointing this out was futile.  I think (my opinion) ADDers complain about things in others that they don't like in themselves. I think that ADDers compare themselves and think, well, at least I'm not always late or overdrawn at the bank like Bob.  But, when the comparison is not favorable to them and their deficiencies are exposed, they become ornery and unpleasant. 

shevrae's picture

Having a husband and several kids all with ADHD, I feel like they attract other ADHDers who are hyperfocused on the same things they are and it seems like even though ADHD is 10% of the population it's nearly 100% of the population of people I find myself around. It's a lot. 

To begin to live differently, we must first see clearly  - Andrew J Bauman