Be Careful What You Tolerate. You are Teaching People How to Treat You.
These are words that loom in my head that I know to be so true. The challenge for many of us is that we don't know how to FIGHT and stand our used to wanting to make things nice and positive for our families (our ideas of showing love). Our character has been conditioned to NOT FIGHT. Now we are tied to a person who doesn't even know that they are walking all over us. But we feel pain and it makes us sad. How do we show our "scrappy side". Our work is to make it OK to OURSELVES to stop smiling in the face of indignity and we must stop trying to love too hard (that is wearing us out any making us crazy). Rather than being angry and sad, it is our hard work to UN-educate ourselves on how we either naturally are or how we were taught to be. WE have to stop letting the child in our spouses make decisions for us. We have some growing up to do in that we DO need to PARENT ourselves and our spouses because SOMEONE has to be the adult and its not fun to be resentful adults. We just have to give up the romantic idea of partnership with a partner who is not able/willing to partner with us. Maybe "fight" is not the correct word. Maybe the correct words are clarity, speaking up and being heard and being willing to give ourselves dignity and options and self respect.
The difficult thing for me is that I feel like I have no leverage and no good options. And I have "taught" H that I won't leave him or "tell" friends and family what he does and doesn't do because over the years, I am still here. H is the kind of person who just tries to get away with things and seems to feel no guilt or shame. My words and feelings are only an annoyance to him if I try to discuss something.
So, I am letting H teach me who he is. I am stopping being or feeling emotional. Just listening and getting him to respond to my matter of fact questions. Him teaching me who he is is letting me see that he does not now or in the past put ANYTHING into the marriage and family...he has only been part of us if it is fun. If it is not ordinary life...he rears up like a male ape and struts and postures and slams (which used to have an emotional effect on me. But not anymore). Now I just see a cartoon ape throwing a tantrum while I stay calm and scrutinize his beastly ways.
I used to think I must stay positive and encourage my husband as the "head of the household"......Yikes! I bought into that for WAY too long. That was dumb. I used to think that my accommodating the husband and encouraging him with only loving words and forgiveness was how a wife MUST be. That was wrong. I am growing up now and realizing that I am in charge of my own happiness and that to do nothing in destructive relationship makes a person angry...and rightfully so.
Just punt... and regroup in the Bahamas
If you are in charge of your own happiness wouldn't you be happier in the Bahamas? After next chaotic eruption don't react and try to 'fix' the mess. Make no comment; just leave your phone in a drawer and get on a plane to the Bahamas. It won't help solve your probelms with your ADHD spouse but at least you'll get to spend the weekend in the sun. Your problems will still be there when you get back.
Daring to be Happy
Thanks "Will It Get Better". That sounds lovely. I have a big "selfish trigger" that I have to work to get rid of. A small trip might be just the thing to start stretching those independent muscles. I have an extra dose of guilt and shame that was unloaded on to me when I was young by the culture and religion and I keep carrying it around with me without any reason or sense even though my head knows better. Yes, I am stopping trying to "fix" the mess and just looking at it with more and more clarity. And I am trying to figure out the steps to take and trying to dare to do the things that would make me happy. Isn't that wierd that I think it is "daring" to give myself happiness? But..that is the way it is.
I know i have said it before
I know i have said it before but Alanon has been so helpful for me. The program is all about self focus in a healthy way. So much support, acceptance and kindness. I am slowly learning to stop focussing on my DH's problems and start owning my own thoughts and behaviours. I send you big hugs jenna.....
I agree Libby. Alanon has been helpful for me as well, especially after my divorce. Hugs and coffee.
You've only done what so many of us have...You've tried to have (force at times) a "right relationship" w/ someone who isn't able to have one.....Being the head of the household, means you accept the role God created you to accept...The head loves, nurtures, carries the heavy load, gives off feelings of security to his wife and children...(His responsibilities)...It's not in your power to make him step up and be accountable...And any efforts to force him will only cause dysfunction...Suffering for the both of you...
Yes we do teach people how to treat us...We also teach them what we are willing to put up with....When we stop coming back for more, only then will they understand....