Forum topic: Big Dog. Little Dog.

I used to have a beloved, big smooth collie.  He would tramp mud and shake himself and cause dirt and dishevelment.  He would NEED to run hard outside every day a couple times a day. He would chase animals, He ate a lot of food. I loved that dog.  We took good care of each other.

Now I have a chihuahua.  He is sweet and "holds it" when he has to "go out" until he sees that I am available to take him out. He is quiet, cuddly, never nips. When he runs inside the house it is like little powderpuff prances.  I love this dog. We take good care of each other.

The big dog could not be ignored.  He would, with his strength, PULL me out of slumber to take him out.  He would slosh the water pan or push it to the end of the wall making noises so that I would pay attention to him. He always got the treat, water, walk, strokes when he asked, no demanded, because he could not be ignored. I had to clean up after him. I tend to take the small dog's good manners and quiet, non-neediness for granted. Sometimes I think to myself that I am not as attentive to little dog because I don't have to be. He acts more like a partner than a dog with needs. There are no messy consequences for me if I don't take him out on time. He seems to understand that he is being taken care of and he is doing his part in the partnership.

Is this what it is with people too?  I think maybe it is for some. 

If I would make more noise, cause more drama, push and pull and manipulate and fight (like a Bridezilla)...... my needs would be better taken care of by H. I think it is assumed that I will take care of my self. it is assumed that if I am not making noise or drama, that things are OK. My words mean nothing to him.  Our promises at our marriage ceremony were thought of differently by each of us.  I joined a team. H declared war. (Like the war of the large family he came from.....fighting for attention and shares of "not enough to go around". 

I came trained by my upbringing.  I do not make drama, noise, mess, be rude or messes.  I came trained and I was sensitive to my environment.  H was not trained the same way as a young boy. It was a permissive, impulsive family.

Some of my complaints are not from the ADD alone.  It is also that we have different ideas of what is an appropriate way of conducting ourselves and speaking and what it means to be part of a family. My family was very much into "everyone gets equal", "mind your manners ...table, speaking, chivalry, etc."  H's family was loud and yelling and name calling and spatting. Many times this were done in fun but many times the stronger, older siblings took control and there was a constant vying for "king on the hill."  Getting in a pre-emptive punch was a mode of defense. Partnering or vulnerability was thought of as "weak"....gotcha, he,he,he.   Sex with H never felt cuddly.  Sex felt like a game of king on the hill.  Although I think he thought he was quite the stud.....I let him think that.  But it was not good for me....the little dog.



VERY interesting observation jenna....I like it.

I agree isn't JUST the adhd. and it sounds like our H's came from similar backgrounds as did you and I.

I must say one thing about my H.....he very much cared about my mom. He respected her AND I think he was really taken by her acceptance of him. I know he compared her( silently) to his mother. Now, as to his mother "liking" me?......She refused to meet my mother until the day before the wedding and she refused to give a list of their side of the family for wedding invites..............duh Zapp.....were ya clueless about the offspring from this woman?

I like this, too. In my situation, though, no amount of drama on my part would change things today. In the past, I believe it would have made a difference. Today, however, there's a diagnosis and a prescription, and in H's eyes that's it. He has ADHD, he takes his medication, and that's all that needs to be done because the rest can't be fixed or worked on because it's "too late". As he said to me recently during an arguement, "This is how I am." I want to shout No, it isn't, because I spent 7 years dating you, including 3 years of cohabitation, before we got married, and you weren't like this because I wouldn't have married you if you were! I wouldn't have agreed to have children with you! You are different now and I don't know why, I don't know what I did or didn't do to matter so little now after 25 years! My little dog self wants to bark like the biggest dog on the block but it would only give me a sore throat, because I know he won't hear me.
I am half-sick of shadows.

Yes, I also wonder what causes the worsening of symptoms?  It wasn't like this when we dated and got married... and, like you, it wasn't a whirlwind courtship. My husband always says something like how could I expect him to change?  Ummm?  We all change as we get older and take on more responsibility and gain experience.  I wonder why he never thought he had to "grow up" and change.  Is that the difference?  We age and gain a little wisdom and develop skills and our partner doesn't, so it seems like they are worse off when it's more a case of arrested development? They don't keep up with changing demands? He was fine as a single man but couldn't deal with marriage and family responsibilities?  Or is it age and general declining memory functions?  I am older.  I can feel the difference in memory functions myself.  Working memory is important for executive functions.


I ran across this video the other day and it reminded me of our house with the dogs and cat at odds with each other due their natures and how different they are.  I actually had a friend who had a pet Mallard Duck who thought he was a Cocker Spaniel since that was his adopted parent.  It was hilarious!!

I guess it can be done even in nature:)