Forum topic: Conflict Style

I looked up conflict style on Google and took a few tests to open my awareness of my marriage conflict and the loss of our intimacy.  I also plugged in my guesses for H in these online quizzes.  It was eye-opening to me why our conversations are filled with chaos and our intimacy is missing.  I don't feel safe even in a simple discussion with him.  Here is why:

All approaches to dispute resolution in intimate relationships must proceed with a primary concern for avoiding damage to the relationship by not using words, voice tone and body language that communicates contempt, derision, dislike, non acceptance or rejectioIn. Put another way, each partner must speak within a framework that maintains emotional safety for the other at all times. This means that resolution of disputes is limited to discussion, confrontation, persuasion, negotiation and compromise. Moreover, each of these must be done using techniques of neutral language and active listening to insure that problems are vigorously attacked without people feeling attacked and that we address behavior that disturbs us without conveying rejection of the person of the character of that person. Adopting this approach does not mean that issues are ignored. To the contrary, one of the things made possible by the adoption of this strategy is that no issue is ignored and buried because of fear that to raise the issue will cause a destructive, hurtful or useless fight. By creating a strategy in which nothing gets suppressed the couple insures the long term health of the intimate relationship.....Psychology Today, Sam Margulies.

I have long known about the third entity in successful marriages....the marriage itself.  The assumed agreement that, to make the marriage strong some effort and compromise must be offered and some work toward the marriage is necessary.  I am accepting that I have been aware and in agreement to contributing to the health of the marriage but that H is unaware and unwilling to do anything but set up his own personal boundaries....tough guy, strong male, "no one is going to tell me what to do" guy, "Sit on it" guy.

I am just making myself realize how in most areas of life I am a compromiser/team player.  I play volleyball, H plays golf.  Marriage is a team sport. If you can't "give one up for the team" but rather play offense for your own glory, then......What?  That is what some of us are trying to determine individually.

I've been setting H up with assists all these years to the point where he actually believes that he has played full court by himself. A team of one.  There is an unawareness about him that I am just permitting myself to see and accept rather than to keep enabling him to waltz through life in a fantasy game where all his life enemies are embodied by this person (me) who has been trying to get him to work on the intimacy/safety of the relationship. His response to my attempts at a discussion with him was (with offensive posture and voice) when we were a young couple was the often repeated phrase: "I will not be married to a nag!" I backed off of these discussions because they became confrontations rather than intimate couple negotiations. I was not a nag but i would retreat in inner lack of belief in myself and the idea that I was "taking one for the team" and stuffing it.  This was wrong of me.  In a do-over, I would find support outside of marriage and work on my own inner strength and permission to hold strong on my dignity. 



I am working on some of the same thoughts and ideas you are and I am defaulting to what I know and what I know best for answers?  This is me....using the strength areas I have to overcome obstacles in terms of my wife and I and how to get around these problems?  Getting to what I do best and what I do best is designing things?

I ran across and interesting article that basically spelled out what I already know...but it was good to see it in writing by someone who has already figured this out and written it down for me ( or anyone else to see which I feel he did a very good job at doing and he covered this extremely well?

You said once that you are an Artist as well....but this actually explains the difference between an "Artist"...and ... "Designer"....and why they are different?  To put this in my own words "you can be an Artist and not be a Designer....but you can't be a Designer, unless you are an Artist." ( the cart and the horse...which comes first? )

And in the approach I am taking as far as our marriage goes?  The "relationship" or 3rd entity you were talking about.  I am taking the Designers approach to the relationship as a whole...and including my wife into it as just one of the variables as I start back and design myself into it.....but not changing the variable of "my wife" as I am approaching it?  Just to start?  The difference between an Artist and a Designer have to be an "engineer" and an "artist" be a Designer and that is what most people do not readily understand and understand the reasons why?  If you are going to be a good Architect of anything....then Design is imperative in getting to the finish product which is why being only Artist....fails in this aspect alone?

"Art is a typical example of a strong preponderance of form. Function mostly is set strongly or completely into the background. Therefore, the viewer often wonders: “What is the artist trying to tell me?” Art may intent to ask this question, but in the field of design this question is not allowed to arouse. The widely held belief that the terms “art” and “design” are synonyms, is therefore wrong! A designer is not a pure “beautifier”. Aesthetics is only one part of design."

“Form Follows Function” – An unclear design principle....FFF    That is the cardinal rule of "Design" right there.  Form....follows ..Function.  The first and last mistake you'll ever make if you break this cardinal rule.  What happens when you break this in the end product....that will not work.  Simply put.

I appreciate Dvance posting her post when she did as it reminded me of this which is what brought me to this and has given me some things to think about as well.  In respect to what I know and what I know that works and the reasons why.....I can follow the rules as said...and then work the pieces around it as needed. This gives me some tools to work with...which is why I thought you might like to see this as well?  It's one thing to be fighting against your spouse or the powers that be....but to fight "Mother Nature'...will be a losing battle every time you try.  This article...outlines how not to fight mother nature...and how to use that to your advantage and help you succeed in anything?  I guess what I am saying is....if I had to write this out myself as this gentleman would  basically be saying the same thing which you can apply to anything...not just digital design as this article of talking about?  It is a Universal concept that works Universally with anything you apply it too just so you know?

"FFF was mentioned by the American sculptor Horatio Greenough in 1852 for the first time1. Nevertheless FFF is usually associated with the architect Louis Sullivan, who writes in his essay “The tall office building artistically considered” in 1896: “[…] that form ever follows function.”1. Meanwhile, the principle grew over 150 years old and still has not lost any relevance in today’s world of digital media"

Throwing my two bits into this.....not only today's world of digital media I said.[................] insert here. lol

side note:  This also explains my Pet Peeve with people who call themselves Designers and don't know what they are talking about?  This is why and I just realized this which helped me explain why I would get frustrated over this concept and why that bugged me so much!! LOL   usable engineering ..the complimentary necessity of good design


I've been wondering just that: those of you in longtime marriages, what would you do differently, if meeting your partners today? Tricky things at every age, new loves.

I imagine that one of the difficulties is that repeated behavoirs makes for ruts. However they were made, they're reality, in the relationship. Carving a new path outside those take ingenuity, and energetic perseverance. Encouragement from people who wish you well, too.

Wishing you much happiness, jennalemone.


*I can never wrap my brain around how these unhappy (intimacy-less) people block themselves off, systematically, and don't see it. Smh, having conversations, off and on, with another ADHDer...*