Doing the work on your part as the Non

Just curious on the experiences here of the Nons and the type of work they did on themselves - I'm really struggling and feeling overwhelmed on what type of work I should do; read the Boundar Boss again and do all the workbooks at the end? Finish the mel Robbins workbook? Back to therapy? Attend group therapy for nons?...the list goes on. There are things I want to progress, and am actively working on them, but feel like I'm stuck again. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm well aware that I'm not going to work on the marriage when its just me doing the work/effort, but I am self aware enough about the situation that it's always good to work on myself, figuring out my needs, boundaries, etc. But I'm curious as to what others on here have done. How has your progressed looked? Are you happy with what you have done so far in your journey/relationship? Do you have any regrets or wished you did something different? 

...and on the flip side.... for the ADHDers reading this, what actions did you see your partner take on that made it clear to you they were working on themselves? And did they get a point of saying to you that its time for you to work on stuff too? Maybe nothing was said and it clicked for you one day? (note: I'm not trying to spin this to figure out how to get my ADHD partner to do the work instead of my own stuff but I am genuinelly curious in others' experiences and behavious on here)