I am the wife of someone with ADD and anxiety. Drinking alcohol seems to be the only time the ADD is "calmed." However, to the extreme. Anyone else struggling with this?
I am the wife of someone with ADD and anxiety. Drinking alcohol seems to be the only time the ADD is "calmed." However, to the extreme. Anyone else struggling with this?
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The ADHD Effect on Marriage was listed in Huff Post as a top book that therapists suggest all couples should read.
Submitted by ShelleyNW on
Hello. Substance abuse is common with neuro-atypical brains. Trying to mask symptoms, or drown own disappointments, etc. ADHD meds should produce relative calm at the proper dosage, and therapy should be helpful in learning non-substance coping mechanisms. Of course he has to want to in order for it to work. My dh drinks more than average even though medicated and counseled. Might be related to meds wearing off in the evening so wanting to soothe the beast again. Good luck, it's a really tough issue to deal with.