I've been wondering what the long-term effects of angry outbursts are on children. By angry outbursts I mean yelling, pounding fists on things, maybe a curse words at anything from spilled water to traffic jams, to cars not going fast enough, power outages etc. They can happen once daily sometimes more or less, depending on the mood. How does this affect young children who witness this behavior from their ADHD father? Would like to hear from anyone. If you experienced it as a child or with your children who are now grown up, would like to hear that as well!
Former early childhood educator
Hi Best,
Many different experts will tell you many different things about this. One theory is the tabula rasa theory. Essentially it means each child is a clean slate at birth and molded into the person they are based solely on environment, others will dispute and say genes play as important of a role as environment.
One thing that isn't disputed is the first 5 years. The first 5 years of a child's life are the most important and most almosr all experts agree that this will shape your child's morals, values, and behavior for the rest of their life.
I believe environment is more important than genetics but that's my personal opinion.