Hey guys, I found an incredible article written by a man who ended up divorced, but it's SUCH an incredible article. It's written by a guy (writer) about why he believes he and his wife ended up divorced. But, it also applies to wives as well. I wish every guy/girl could read this before getting married. (ADHD or not)
I don't have the web address, but just type in the title of the article: "An Open Letter To Shitty Husbands"
It's written in 12 parts, and each one is very well written. (pardon the language of the article, it's what HE wrote)
I read the first 3 parts...
These three parts gave me three thoughts...1) Hind site is 20/20......2) It's amazing how easy it is to be the perfect spouse when your setting in an empty house with a laptop and printer. 3) Luke 16:31.
I just read his article on
I just read his article on Divorce Because of Dishes in the Sink. Awesome article- if you are open minded. :)