Forum topic: Happy update on my ADHDer FH

On one of my last posts, I spoke about issues with my fiance being able to save money. I am happy to report that after initiating the plan we call "operation save"  he is not only saving over  5x more than he was before, but during that time admitted that he does struggle with financial planning. (I needed to hear him say it, and not be all macho.) It was ridiculously funny (and i giggled none stop) when he said he saved x amount in 4 weeks. I am loving this. Apparently "operation save" in his words, is much easier than running around like a headless chicken at the end of every month.

I cannot tell you guys (those who are engaged or married) how important it is for your significant other to seek treatment. It is also very important for you, the spouse of the person with ADHD to educate your self and accompany him/her on therapy sessions. Speak to the therapist. Ask for resources. Read a book or two.

In all relationships it takes two people to make it work. If the ADHDer or the spouse refuses to make the relationship better than it is, sooner or later it will fall apart.

Sending blessings and positive energy your way....




I love good news, and this is inspiring to some of us newbies!!  It is inspiring,  I appreciate your openness to see this as positive, not just framing this negatively as him just catching up to where he should've been, etc.  Your positive perspective might make it a little easier for him to do this.  Very, very appreciated from my base camp. :)   And congrats!! 

Stephanie-the ADHDer