Hi I am not exactly sure what to say as I after reading the rules am unable to give out personal info. But I am in a real bind as my partner usually sees me on the computer and will be extremley unhappy if he sees me on an add website like this. If anyone is able to add me on facebook or myspace or even email it woul be a huge help as I feel so alone being a non adhd partner and too scared to even let my man know im asking for help cos he is sooooo defensive. maybe even if the moderator starts a adhd romancgroup on facebook or myspace? then I could just talk to you guys without being on this obvious site. I'm not trying to wreck the group or anything, maybe the moderator can start it and anyone comfortable revealing their identity can join in on facebook? please think about doing this as it will be so much easier to explain to him if he sees me talking on facebook than on adhd and marriage. By the way love your site, especially that care and feeding of non add spose post, it sounds exactly like a letter i wrote my mate last week except his add kept him from actually finishing reading the letter.
I have anAngry Husband too
I know
I understand completely what you are going through. It can be so frustrating, my partner is ADD and they are currently trying to determine if there is comorbidity involved. It seems that every little thing I say he takes to heart and examines his capability of being in a real relationship. All he ever thinks is he's not good enough, then he gets frustrated with me and eventually angry. Most of the time, I don't even know what's happened, it's like a complete sucker punch.
I'm trying to read through all these posts to get some understanding. It almost seems he does these things to undermine a good relationship because he doesn't think he deserves it. It feels horrible, because I love him and want to work through it with him, but I don't know the right things to say at times. I'm not sure from your experience, but I think I understand a lot of what you're going through. It's forced me to deal with all my insecurities in order to force him to communicate more. I also have to listen to all the negative comments he says even though I know in my heart he doesn't mean it, but the words he chooses can be so hurtful.
This is so hard sometimes, and I wonder how people in these long term relationships deal with it?
Walking on egg shells too
I too walk on egg shells all the time. My partner is like hot and cold. One minute she can be the sweetest thing and the next she can be very irriated with me. I seem to be able to annoy her by just breathing. It's worse when we're in the house together. If we're out and about where she's stimulated by something that interests her, all is well. But if we're out doing something that she's not in to such as grocery shopping she can be very irritable.
If we're at the house she's usually doing something that interests her. Sitting in front of her computer for hours is very common. If I ask her to do something in the line of a chore she will get very grumpy. As most non adhd'ers in these forums have stated, they usually do most if not all of the chores around the house. I do them all, with the exception of her laundry.
I struggle with the walking on egg shells thing. I'm depressed by it. I'm considering going back on anti-depressants just so I can numb my brain and lose my emotions once again. I'm not able to talk to her about my feelings because when I do, one of two things will happen. She'll take it as a joke and dismiss it or she'll feel hurt by it and become defensive and angry at me.
I know 100% exactly how you feel...
My husband is ADHD and I am constantly on a roller coaster and if I try to explain how I feel then I either get accused of being insensitive because HE is the one with the problem not me or he accuses me of "crying" about how hard my life is....I'm not crying, I just want some help around the house, some help with the kids and perhaps half the attention he gives his computer would be nice. I'm constantly being "punished" in various ways, my personal fav is he'll sleep on the couch and blame me for not caring about him or showing him attention. I think he does it because he feels sorry for himself when things don't go his way.
Does your wife spend outrageous;y as well...mine just lost his job Friday and went out and bought himself a new fancy moniter for his computer, $300 down the drain that we don't have and we have bills to pay, the whole absence of any sort of Rationale is very hard for me to grasp.. Its SOOOOOO frustrating. I just don't know what to do and frankly am sick and tired of feeling sad, lonely and depressed becuase HE has a problem. I used to be a very happy,out going and vivacious woman and now I'm just empty... :(
With Trucker
Are you married now, or still just engaged? I ask this, because it makes a difference in terms of your financial situation. If you are not currently married, don't get married until you know that he is debt free and can stay that way. You don't need to also take on his debt (too many horror stories on this site about people with ADD having financial problems to knowingly walk into one).
I don't understand why you don't just leave. You sound as if you are getting nothing out of this relationship. Even if your home is in foreclosure, couldn't you rent a room or garage (with heat!) from a friend in your old town? Find a job with all the extra time you have when you aren't taking care of your fiance?
My view is this - he promised you that things "would be different" when you moved...yet has proven that they are not. Not only that, but has shown that they are significantly worse than what you might have guessed. I see no real reason, at least from what you have written, for staying in this relationship. And I see a good reason not to (aside from the lying, cheating, anger, financial burden, bad feelings and stress) Your son will most likely benefit from seeing that his mother is strong enough to walk away from an injurious relationship and that may give him the strength to do the same at some point in a future relationship if he needs to do so.
I have to imagine that your son also isn't very happy in the situation, so you would be doing him a favor right away, too. (Unless I'm guessing he's wrong and he's actually very happy....) And, at 18, he's old enough to also help with the expenses if the two of you need it temporarily to stay afloat. Don't pull him out of school to get a job, but some part-time work might help a bit.
As for the speech and listening issues - I believe that would depend upon your fiance's specific issues and medical history. His doctor would be the best person to answer those questions.
Good luck with it. But please, talk with some of your old friends, perhaps an old minister or pastor whom you trust, and start to get some feedback on other options. The road you are on right now sounds like a complete dead end.
Yippee-I-O we are married. I
Consider long-distance therapy
Can you afford long-distance therapy? Not the same thing as sitting in a room with someone, but on the other hand, better than setting yourself up for conflict that ends in abuse. Dr. Hallowell does make phone appointments (try his MA office at 978-287-0810) in certain instances, and I suspect others do, too. Also, I know that some coaches work by phone, as well. Discouraging to have everyone telling you your husband's a dud just after you've married him...hope that it just means they don't understand him.
Try to view his hovering as "interest", and see if you can keep it from it being a form of control, I guess. Sounds as if the anti-depressants my help you, as they did me for a period of time when things were hard. No shame there.
Good luck and stay in touch.