How do I convince my wife to read ADHD Effect On Marriage

Hi all. I'm going to start just by giving some context. I am the one with ADHD here. I heard about the book sometime last year on Reddit. Ended up buying it sometime in the Fall after (or during) a fight, looking to see if this was one step in the right direction. It did take me a while to get to it and to actually finish it. I had a lul about halfway thru reading it. I was able already to use some strategies on my end like suggesting cue words and such along the way though, which helped a fair bit in at least resolving a couple conflicts. Anyway I ended up powering thru the second half and finished it back in February! I was proud of myself, I'm not going lie, since it's the first book I have read cover to cover in at least 5 years! That being said, I have mentioned it a couple times to my wife to read it now since she said before back in Jan or Feb that she was waiting for me to finish it before she took a look at it. I didn't push it too much though because we had our wedding back in April (we've been married about 2 1/2 years legally and been living together for just over 3 now). She was the one taking on about 99.5% of the wedding planning since I am almost useless for planning (no surprise there). Obviously, I did not want to add even more to her plate since I already do that on my own plus the wedding stress, she would have put me in a blender haha. Now that the wedding and honeymoon is over and done with she still hasn't gotten to the book. I've mentioned it a couple times now as well. I remember there being suggestions of how to finesse your ADHD-spouse into reading it but not so much the other way around. I understand that it is mostly a matter of framing it in the correct way but I feel that I need help with that. She disclosed last night in bed after we had a big fight (chore wars) that she was uncertain if we were going to make it and that she has been hesitant to read it because she does not want to help fix things that are not her fault/doing etc. I was already under the assumption that this was the case and would be the main obstacle in getting her to read it and hence why I was trying to not be pushy about it and I also understand and empathize where she is coming from. I explained how it takes two people to make a successful marriage in order to be on the same page about solving problems and also used the lines about how we need to try something different not harder. She also suggested this morning after I got to work that she wanted to consider taking a break. I do not know where to take it from here. We have had some trouble finding an in-person couples counselor/therapist since it seems they mostly do online these days post-covid. She has pretty much been up for only in-person until this morning (she also said this morning that online help may be a solution at this point) but it's hard for the both of us to meet their schedules. I will check back to the book when I get home tonight for more suggestions in getting her to take a look at the book. My marriage is indeed in a crisis and I'll take any advice anyone is willing to give. Thanks for your time and consideration! Please let me know if I need to clarify anything or add more context.