Forum topic: how to encourage a spouse or partner to resume treatment

My husband, like many of the spouses here, has depression and anxiety along with ADHD.  As far as I know, he's not taking any medication now ("they don't help," his words).  He's not in therapy.  I think he seemed better when on meds and in therapy.  Tonight, the death of Robin Williams is weighing heavily on me.  Any ideas for encouraging a person with untreated mental health issues to get back into treatment?  Thank you.


I'm So Exhausted's picture


I too had some really harsh looks at reality after the death of Robin Williams.  It was not too long after that happened, that my spouse seemed extra despondent - and later that specific night I could not locate the rope to tie out the dog for its potty break.  I panicked.  Where was it?  No, he would not do THAT to his daughter?  Would he?  And then I found the rope on the counter in the dining room.    And burst out in tears over the whole upheaval of my emotions.

So yes, I do not know what to do.  I do not know how to help him see how really depressed he is - and not just over our marriage.  He is depressed in general.  

There are so many things going on for him.  I do not know if it is ADHD, untreated ADHD, or something totally different.  

I really understand his happiness is not in my control.  When you love someone, it is hard to know how to not watch them suffer.  I find no comfort WHAT SO EVER in the knowledge that if he did do something drastic, it would not be my fault.  Sigh.  

*******I have recently seen a lady looking back at me from the mirror - and I said, "Hello friend. Long time no see!""*******