Forum topic: Hyperactivity

Anyone else have problems with the hyperactivity portion of ADHD? I feel like sometimes my husband's energy is so high and he gets overly focused and passionate about some things and can't like pull himself away...this is when he's off medicine too!


Definitely. Hyperactivity is by far one of the more dominant symptoms of my partner's ADHD. He is excessively hyper when we first wake up and even more so when we're reunited after a long day of work. He spends all day trying to maintain a functioning level, so when he is back in the comfort of our home, he is almost literally bouncing off the walls. It is so difficult to keep up with him, especially after I have worked a long day myself, and if I don't have the energy to respond to every hyper tangent, it only amplifies his actions. This is something I really struggle with on a regular basis and am trying to figure out, so unfortunately I don't have any tips or suggestions for you. Just sharing in your situation. :)

Yes, my husband is NOT energetic in the morning at all, in fact i usually have a lot of trouble even waking him up, but yes when i get home after a full 8hr day and an hr communte each way, im exhausted... And i deal with people all day, so im usually pretty quiet when i get home... And he is like just getting his first wind... He's usually fixated on something whether he wants me to listen to howard stern or wants to tell me about something he saw on you tube... Or something geo-political... And he's so passionate, but i usually have little interest and if i do, certainly not enough to keep my attention for more than 20 min...sometimes hours... I just want to come home, veg, watch a little tv and relax with him... But hes usually so wound up- i too find it very difficult, not sure how to handle it

My H also doesn't wake up well in the morning.  I believe that is part of his depression.  


However, when he gets focused on something, he'll start talking non-stop, but often in a slow fashio so it will take him forever just to tell his story.....and I'm bored at that point.  It can feel like he wants to hold me "hostage" to his conversation, but it's not a 2 way conversation, it's just him babbling on.....but in a slow fashion.  It can feel like water torture.