
Just went grocery shopping where I used to go before divorce. Realized as I moved the shopping cart forward how things have changed.

I don't care anymore if people crowd me in the aisle. I don't mind if a stranger approaches with a question, even if they're a bit intrusive and not polite. I used to be so high-strung with stress, I couldn't stand other people who were even slightly disrespectful or dominated the physical space. Not that I'd say anything, I'd just feel hurt. I'd swear at other drivers in my car. I'd shake off charities in the street with a frown. 

I think about inner, unconscious boundaries and if it's possible to accept them being violated constantly in an ADHD marriage. Would it have been possible to continue the marriage and change attitude? I tried it. My goal was to move through it gracefully. I could in some ways. But the raw physical reaction to those intrusions of my integrity turned into criticism of other people. I became angry with others. I felt it was unfair when all consideration for my husband, the children, clients at work wasn't matched with some basic politeness in random people I met. 

The balance in giving and receiving was so tilted by my husband's illness I almost couldn't function socially. Only with the kindest, most generous friends. I hated when family, friends and coworkers were late, when they thoughtlessly caused me trouble or when they seemed to take me for granted. I had no reserves, I bled myself dry every day to do right by others. I think that is one reason why the divorce became necessary in the end. It's nice to be able to move though the grocery store without feeling like passers by trample on you. It's good to be able to give fellow humans some slack. An intact integrity helps.