I didnt really realize I had ADHD until recently (Im 25 now)..... let me take that back.... people have always commented on my need to 'play' with things - say things at the wrong time - fidget - lose focus, etc.... I always thought ADHD was for children, and as a teen and adult - it didn't seem like it was possible. I made a lot of bad impulse decisions ever since I was very little, took a lot of risks, and have always been known to run my mouth and speak without really thinking - and they just got worse as I got older. However, unlike a lot of what I have been reading -I was a good student in school... I always made As and Bs... but nothing ever really interested me (I was never one to know what I wanted to be when I grew up - haha.. I still don't) - and I was generally known to not do the reading and still do well on pretty much anything. When I got to college - I didn't want to be there - and again, did as little as possible and still did quite well. I struggled to get through community college because I never wanted to go to class - and only recently have I begun to take classes online to complete my bachelors, only because I can start courses when I want to and complete them when I want - I never have to actually go to class, which means I dont have to sit for three hours... All this never really bothered me (besides little comments here and there) until I started a job where I sit for eight hours a day.. people notice - they comment on how I can't sit still. I doodle during meetings and get up and walk around multiple times a day. I get comments almost daily about ADHD and my behavior - to a point, it depresses me only because Im not trying to be annoying - or lose focus - or say something inappropriate, it just happens... I try to sit still, and I go insane.. My position is beginning to bore me - and I've held it longer than anything before....
Thats just work.... Im in a relationship too.... My first 'real' relationship at that... before him, I participated in a lot of casual, impulse sex.... No one mattered to me.... Its been 5yrs now - we're engaged... I get bored a lot and question the relationship - but I push myself to realize that its not really him - its just me getting bored. I made a bad decision a few months ago and cheated on him - and Im kinda worried that it might happen again (I know right from wrong - but was never put in a situation like that before and not sure I can make the right choice if the temptation comes again - even though I know that its something I can never do again..) - Im not sure my finance really.... believes the severity of ADHD and what it can do to a person... He knows I have characteristics, but part of me thinks that he thinks it should be something I can just turn on and off (that if Im getting in trouble at work for walking around, then I just need to stay seated).... Ive mentioned taking meds - more for myself - for my work performance, and for him - but he is against prescriptions.... I found something called Attend (if anyone knows anything about it - please let me know) that he is more interested in (its all natural) - I know, this is my decision, not his - but I need his support in the long run... oh... he is an advocate for marijuana usage, and although I do partake - and I do feel more relaxed and able to sit still - I really think its just a coverup.. plus I cant smoke at work =) (he feels thats really all I need)..
Theres a lot on this site for men - and its the women that are suffering..... but I know the chances of a successful relationship are slim... Ive found a lot of useful info through here... but Im worried that it will be me to screw up (not only in my relationship - but at work too).... just felt the need to give another side of the story - and any suggestions / advice are greatly appreciated.
RE: my story
WOW! Your fiance says no to prescription medications for ADD that will improve the quality of your life globally, but advocates for the use of illegal drugs??? YOU need to think about your own health here. Personally I do not even take a Tylenol unless my headache is so severe that I have no alternative, yet, Ritalin has helped my husband (when he takes it) across the board in his life...school, work, relationships with colleagues etc. I do believe it is a beneficial medication. DO think long and hard about what YOUR needs are and then make that decision on your own whether or not to medicate for ADD. Its my opinion based on what you wrote that your fiance doesn't have your best interests at heart.
Good luck!
25 Year Old ADDer
I agree with the other poster's comment about your fiance's opposition to your taking medication under the care of a physician while indulging you both in illegal drugs...this should be a warning flag.
Actually, I see a lot of undercurrents to your post that I think you should consider as possible warning flags. First, you sound as if you are in the wrong job. If you have trouble sitting so much, then get a job in which you don't have to! You are young - the world is open to any change you might like to make... Do you like to exercise? Would working at a health club help? How about the floor of a shop, where you can walk around a lot? Training animals? Being a photographer? The world is FULL of jobs that don't require spending 8 hours a day in a chair...you would do yourself a favor to see if you can find one that you might love, rather than chain yourself to something that is basically "tolerable" and that's it.
Second, you and your fiance seem to have some issues that should be worked out here BEFORE you tie the knot. These include:
You have increased your chances of failure with your choices - you have chosen to stay with a person without insisting that he know about your ADD (and love you in spite of it) and you have chosen a career that makes you sit still for longer than you can. You have also chosen not to treat your ADD. Please augment these choices right now, while you are young, so that you don't end up always fearing that you will screw up. That's a miserable way to spend your days! Your fiance can help you if you agree that these would be great goals:
Best of luck with it!
34 Year Old ADD Female speaking!
When you said you thought the