Hi there, I haven't posted in a while, but I have something I am struggling with on how best to approach my ADHD husband. After years of fighting over impulse purchases, my husband opened a credit card with separate checking account. It is funded with a percentage of any bonus checks he receives from work. It is not the ideal solution for me, but he really likes it and I have to say that we haven't fought since it has been in place for a year. In the past, we fought a lot over his purchases because I thought many of them were unnecessary. I couldn't believe that our hard-earned money was being spent on hobbies that we only do once a year or a fish tank. The deal is that he will give me a print out each month of the credit card paid receipt (not statement) that the card was paid in full. He usually also prints out what his checking account balance is as well. He was late this month so when I approached him with an email. We do better in writing than trying to discuss heavy topics like this verballly. He replied that same day that the automatic minimum pay kicked in. I am thinking in my head "great no late fees, but picking up interest charges on a credit card balance." He once told me that if he didn't pay the balance and wished to use his money on interest charges then that is his prerogative. Anyways, I politely replied with I would like a printout of his current the credit card and checking account balances. He has yet to respond or acknowledge my request so now I am not sure what I should do next. Part of me is scared to talk to him in person - there is never a good time to approach on such a delicate subject. Anyone have advice for me? I have no access to either account online.
So, are you afraid that he's run up the CC balance?
I'm guessing that he's got a huge debt and doesn't want to show that to you because then that will expose his silly purchases that are now part of a huge debt.
The deal is that he will give me a print out each month of the credit card paid receipt (not statement) that the card was paid in full. He usually also prints out what his checking account balance is as well.
Are you certain that you were seeing legitimate copies in the past??
It is easy to create phony copies