Forum topic: Difficult time in my marriage to ADD hubby with ADD kids

Hi all,

I'm new here. Hoping for some help, insight, support. My husband of 12+ years was diagnosed last year We also have two children who are diagnosed. I have always loved him. I thought we had a happy marriage. But apparently he hid a lot of things from me.

Two years ago I found out he had an emotional affair. It ended. We went to therapy and I learned that for all of our marriage he had been building up a wall of resentment toward me. We both work full time, but he did more of the cleaning and cooking while I did more of the home organization, scheduling, planning, packing, etc. I had depression at times in our marriage but I was raised to discuss feelings and be very open. Admittedly I was not prepared to be a housewife. I was overwhelmed and he seemed used to a different level of cooking than I was. He took over these tasks, and I let him. If he didn't like eating the way I did then I was fine letting him cook. I thought he liked it. I wish he would've expressed his feelings to me about this. Years later, he had mentioned going to marriage therapy but at the time I thought we were fantastic but busy and couldn't see how we could find the time or why we'd need to go. He never explained his feelings. Apparently, that lack of understanding on my part was his justification for the emotional affair. It went on for 1-2 years. I discovered it, he never told me. After we'd bee in therapy for 2 years I discovered he'd been having another one that whole time. Again, emotional. Again, he blamed me. I never thought he would be unfaithful in any way. I thought I had the best husband of any woman I knew. I thought he was a bit too friendly at times with women, but I chalked that up to him being a late bloomer who never had much dating experience and figured he just didn't understand. But it bothered me that when I would try to tell him something bothered me, he wouldn't get it. He acted like it was sexist that married men and other women can't be friends etc. He didn't seem to understand what crossed the line into flirting.

He's become irritable. He is on meds now. He often blames me. I'm sensitive to guilt based on how I was raised and I feel like he knows how to manipulate me and does it on purpose. All of the lies I only know about if I discover them. He never discusses feelings. Rarely compliments me. No physical affection at all unless it's mandated by our therapist. I have changed my behavior based on what he says he needs in a partner. I cook the meals. I clean. He hasn't changed his behaviors. Nice one minute, cutting remark the next.  He seems to keep demanding more of me and reminds me of my past misbehavior. It's like there were invisible hoops I didn't know I was supposed to be jumping through for all these years! He has actually said he can't trust me! and that all my efforts now are just an act!

Our therapist says I need to set a time limit in my head, and if he doesn't "step up" and put in some effort into repairing our marriage by then- I need to be ready to seperate. I can't make him love me or change. He says he wants to fix things. But he has also told me talk is cheap when I make promises...

I'm fearful of the example this is setting for my children. My son seems oblivious so far but I know my daughter is concerned and I've talked to her as much as is appropriate to ease her fears. I don't want them to think that them having ADD means they can't have successful relationships/marriages.

Anyone been through this? If we do seperate I hope it would be temporary. I've always loved him and I still do. I believe the man I fell in love with is still inside of him. I know he feels guilty. I think he's lost sight of himself too. I can't tell if he dislikes me or this new version of himself. I want him to be happy. He's a great dad, but it seems like he is addicted to the attention of other women and it's ruining our marriage. I can't trust him and my once healthy self esteem is in the toilet.



I don't want to say the wrong things, but, I do want to show support for you and your marriage....It is so hard to step away from the circumstance's you are caught up in to look wisely at it...

After reading you post my first thought was...He is living this secret life, outside the realm of his vow's and trying to justify it by blaming her...And she is falling for it....Grrrr...LOL...But, only you, him, and God knows what has went on in your marriage relationship....

There are always two sides to every one of our stories...The number one way to get healing in a relationship that's gotten cold and indifferent is:....Self-awareness by both parties, take on a spirit of humility and ask each other for forgiveness for any sin's you may have committed against each other...For some reason this is usually the last one we try. Because, it only works when both parties are under conviction and find enough Grace to puke up who we truly are without blame or denial.

If you are at peace in all aspects of your love and commitment to him as a wife, then I agree with the therapist....You really have nothing to lose, the children are in an unhealthy environment and you have every right to be concerned....

Try a family counselor, if he will go....Just remember one thing, that is easy to lose site of in this situation....You will never control another human being! If your love and living a responsible life of self-awareness of your own behavior doesn't impact him...Then you are powerless to change him...

You can pray for him, God's is able....I will pray for you also....


Thanks C!

I agree with everything you're saying. I have great empathy for him. And I am far far from perfect myself. I'm reading everything I can get my hands on to better to a spouse to him. But he's not putting forth the same efforts in regards to me. He is trying in only ways that he knows and are easy for him. He does tasks around the house. He cleans, pays bills, is great with the kids, I'm blessed that he's great with money. But emotionally there's nothing. No matter how much I've asked over the years. Even now that our therapist is saying date nights and weekly cuddling is mandatory. It's still challenging to get the date night planned and he's not showing any affection. He has said he feels like I'm only his roommate. And I find that ironic because that's how he treats me. I need love. I'm only forty. I don't think I can exist in a relationship void of any affection for the rest of my life. I think it's affecting my health and I know it's taking a toll on my self esteem. All the women he's been attracted to emotionally are very physically different from me. He described me a few months ago as physically acceptable and said to our therapist that when I look nice he tells me. So since he never tells me excepts maybe once every 5-6 weeks I guess I don't look ok those days. Even then, his compliments are "nice boots." So I don't know if that's directed toward me. My 40th bday was a week ago. So far all I got was a card from him and my kids. I take such care to give everyone thoughtful gifts. He had/has nothing ready for me. Feels petty to let it bother me. But it does. I'm praying daily that this works. But I know I can't change him. I just wish he viewed me and our family as worth the effort. :(


Your H sounds much like me, except for the affection thing...I've seen other women post this, but for the life of me I can't understand it...I can't keep my hands off of mine...(most of the time)...To not seek affection, closeness, sex definitely not normal for men. I can understand the gift thing a little if he's a semi- tight wad:)...Not saying I agree of course:)....

Let's see, what can I share with you that might be beneficial?...Here are a few things that would kill my desire for intimacy or hinder it terribly....Verbal and/or psychological abuse, if she made me to feel inadequate or unloved....If she were to show no or a lack of respect for me, intimacy would definitely loose it's luster...If I felt I could not trust her to be faithful. Guilt, if I was fornicating.

There are other things...If I struggled with libido issues, Possibly child hood sexual abuse or Pornography addiction.....

Just food for thought...I sure hope y'all work through this...I do understand your needs for affection and to feel loved and appreciated, that feeling is universal for us all.....

lack of affection, ugh...

I think it's multifaceted. He had a healthier sex drive pre-medications (Strattera & Lexapro) so that could be playing a role. He doesn't come from a PDA family so non-sexual affection only existed when we were dating and he was infatuated (I feel like I got false advertising on that one- I thought he was more of an affectionate person than he actually is by nature) and I (or my low self-esteem) just doesn't think he's that into me physically. I'm at my lowest weight in years and I'm only a size 12 but the women he had emotional affairs with were more sporty types. Hard not to take it personally, that's just how I'm wired. I'm trying so hard to see things from every angle now. He had a dr appt today. Meds are staying the same for awhile. Dr will try to get him into see a neuropsychologist (I think that's the right term, excuse me if it's not.) In the meantime, I don't think he has much of an attack plan for himself as far as what to do to make things better. I'm just focusing on trying to be the best mom I can be now. But I feel like I should be dropping hints that time is ticking. He doesn't know i'm not going to wait forever. I've dropped hints by saying that future plans depend on whether we can make this work. He didn't like it and acted shocked. Thinking I should maybe look for an individual therapist to help me cope with this as well.

trying my best. thanks for listening C and everyone!