I have posted here before but it was a while ago. My husband has been out of work for over 2 years, acting as a SAHD currently and trying to get on a useful treatment plan. There are a number of problems:
1--I'm disabled but working full time and I am the main breadwinner. The stress of our financial situation is making it hard for me to keep working full time while dealing with my health struggles but there's a limited amount I can do to help with my stress that wouldn't further strain the budget (such as cut hours or take leave).
2--He struggles to both care for our 4 year old to an appropriate standard and keep the home. When we both worked, we would get paid help with that because I can't do a lot, which we have had to pare way back (but still can't do without completely which strains the budget).
3--He has the ability to make money with flexible hours (not GOOD money), but I struggle to single parent while doing stuff like cooking dinner. I have a very limited number of "spoons" (MS-related fatigue limits my available energy). I've asked him to make sure there's something I can easily heat up always available but that doesn't always happen. Sometimes I'm so tired he can't work in the hours that he normally could because things hare not been set up for me to succeed.
4--We can't afford childcare to allow him to work without a job that makes a decent amount first (childcare costs are HIGH in our area and spots hard to obtain). Our son attends preschool 3 afternoons a week currently. I don't feel my husband is using this time effectively to work/look for work/get things done at home while he's not having to parent.
5--I don't believe his team (therapist and psych) are helping him as much as they could be nor ar they "experts" on ADD which he needs because he needs MAJOR help with coming up with tools, strategies, scaffolding and accommodations to help him succeed. He needs to work aggressively towards a workable treatment plan. We can't afford a "coach" although that's what he probably needs.
I want to try to address all these issues but I don't know what's fair. I am unwilling to micromanage his life, and besides I do not have the energy for that. I already spend too much time worrying and assisting him during the day when I'm supposed to be working. I'm not a fan of "ultimatums" which usually damage the relationship. But things *must* get better and sooner rather than later if we don't want to lose our house. Also, having specific goals would probably be helpful to him. He hasn't been able to clearly tell me what I could do to help give him some "scaffolding" and he's often resistant to what I'm able to research and suggest that we might try. I want to add in some accountability here.
Is it fair to give him deadlines for addressing some of my items? Such as "Starting April 1 we need to designate the nights you are working and all of those nights you need to have something prepared for me to heat for dinner as we agreed". Or,"Starting April 15 you need get some hours in 3 days a week/you need to work at least 8 hours a week/whatever we agree on". I feel like this is parenting him to a certain extent and I don't love it as a solution but without accountability his working hours have been erratic in the extreme and are always getting disrupted by something.
I am ready for any honest comments especially from anyone in a similar spot. My disability and being overwhelmed/stressed/fatigued means I really CAN'T overfunction to compensate for him but I think that's led me to a place where I am making WAY too many allowances and it's eventually going to get us into a desperate spot financially. I acknowledge that I've likely done things to contribute to the situation so I'm not looking for sympathy as much as real talk and guidance as far as what's FAIR for me to do to start expecting accountability, improvement and getting us on the right track.
Thanks for reading and for thoughtful comments.
It's very difficult to let go...
It's so hard to truly SEE our own situations....Your comments say this..."My husband is completely unable or unwilling to do his part in supporting our family". They also say, I have been mothering him, and making excuses for him....Which means you feel like he is an invalid, and completely unable to be a normal responsible male adult....
Now for my suggestion....You say he turns defensive for all your efforts to come up with solutions that involve him having to change....? Hmmm....I"ve found that most adults (certain mind types anyway) will turn invalid when they are carried...So stop making excuses for him, Stop making suggestions to him (on how to be a responsible adult male, husband and Father)....All I would do if I was you, is focus on your child, your health, and what is best for the two of you...(Something you can actually do something about)....
If he starts wondering why you aren't saying anything or if he want's to know why you have withdrawn....Just say something like...."You know your responsibilities, I trust you to do the right things for our family.....He will or he want....But your stressing, and attempting to guide him into being responsible, is only stealing your happiness...And it's not possible anyway...Think about it??.....Oh and Yes....At some point, it's OK for to tell him...If he isn't going to step up and be responsible....Then you will be doing what you have to do....That's my opinion...."Marriages are important (very)...And faithfully going down with the sinking ship is admirable, BUT, only when both parties are bailing"....Think about it?
I have limited time to contribute right now, unfortunately, but I wanted to pop in and say that...while I think deadlines and boundaries are perfectly fine... deadlines without consequences will likely not work. Even with neurotypical people it tends to hold true, in my experience, that if there are no consequences there's little motivation to change. That may be something you want to think over.
could he be depressed? can you write a letter or otherwise communicate with his "team" to express your concerns?
i suppose this will seem counter-intuitive, however, can you build him up, at all? can you remind him of his strengths, his positives, those things you appreciate about him? could you point out his past accomplishments? what is the good you see in him and would you be open to emphasizing those things to him and perhaps in your own thoughts about him?
adhd folk know failure oh so well. that's partly why i'm here. i just read ms orlov's article on the challenges of being married to one of us and our challenges in a relationship. not an easy thing to manage some times. just a hunch, but i'd be surprised if your husband didn't respond favorably to some encouragement.
could he drive a school bus and bring your child along? what kinds of things does he like to do? could he walk someone's dog to earn money or do some yard work, painting?
has he had a thorough physical workup lately?
best to you. thanks for sharing
repeat that please
"ULTIMATUMS" is fine
You should first talk to his team (therapist and psych) as you're already paying them for treatment and if it isn't working then you should stop that or consult some other professional. You can get to know the condition of your husband much better after talking to the therapist or you can ask them to talk to your husband about this issue. Maybe your husband doesn't want to listen to you but he will surely listen to his therapist (whom he's listening from the past 2 years). Don't teach him his responsibilities, just put responsibilities on him. The idea of "ULTIMATUMS" is fine. Just divide all the expenses and tell him to pay for half of the things like tell him to pay the electricity bill or childcare stuff each month and it will be his responsibility, you'll not going to contribute anything in it. You need to be strict for 2-3 months, things will be fine after that and it'll be financial clear for him and you as well.
I am an Indian and I've filed a divorce case because of abusive and helpless nature of my husband. He never helped me run our family. Only I need to take care of both of my children, 12-year-old girl, and 8-year-old son. I was the only one who was paying for my children education, house rent, and electricity bill. He was only taking care of his own expenses and household things. Now I've filed a divorce with a lawyer in my city Coimbatore, the place where I've been living from the past 23 years. I don't know how long will it take to get a divorce as I don't want to be in this relationship. It sucks
Kriti Sharma
It's Never Too Late