Non ADHD partner feeling unloved

My wife (ADHD) and I (Non-ADHD) have been together for nearly 20 years, married for over 10 of them. 1 kid. I have always been the breadwinner as my wife has struggled to ever hold down a job and struggled with anxiety and depression. About 5 years ago she was diagnosed with ADHD. I hold my hands up in that I never engaged with her much about it and was a bit of a sceptic until recently. Over the last couple of months we have had some very bad arguments that have pushed us closer to a break-up than we have ever been. Since we were so near the edge I took it upon myself to read up more about ADHD and wow I wish I had done this years ago. My wife demonstrates so much of what Melissa describes and sadly I found that my responses were also not helpful. So I have been actively trying to change myself to help her. Its been a big change for me too and I have tried to do so many things to change myself and our relationship over the last few weeks. This change in me though has also made me realise that I also have found coping mechanisms to deal with her ADHD, I just didn’t know it. In an attempt to change I have also had to try to break these coping mechanisms to rescue our marriage. As such, it has made me much more emotional and open about my feelings. I don’t feel however that this is going down too well with her.

I feel that anytime I express my feelings it is met with huge defensiveness and almost like she is offended I dare even ask. After a few weeks of really trying to do things differently I just tried to communicate my thoughts to her. I said that I feel unloved and that I feel insecure and paranoid sometimes that she doesn’t want to be with me (I know I am pursuing but its so difficult not to). I don’t know why but I expected this to be met with some empathy. Instead, it was met with “I have told you I love you!” (true but its always me that initiates saying it). The actual reaction to me expressing how I felt turned out to be “why do you try to make ME feel bad?” and “what more do you want ME to do?” and “I can’t believe you are having a go at ME again!”. Yet this was about me expressing how I felt. This is the part of ADHD I find SOOO difficult to accept as the Non ADHD partner. I can deal with the disorganization, picking up the slack with our kid and managing all the finances. It’s the emotional disconnection and the, what I perceive as selfishness of the condition. It always feels like I have to apologise for everything. I am always in the wrong. Even saying I feel unloved (even if she thinks that I shouldn’t feel that way) is met with anger, resentment and defensiveness. I don’t feel like I can ever say anything without being resented for it, no matter how I say it. The reality is that it is like living with a mannequin sometimes – you can give all your love but you never get any emotion or attention back. I try to snuggle her, I tell her I love her. I have even left little notes around the house saying why I think she is great. And had a song recorded to express how much I love her and then sent it to her as a surprise. She says thanks and I think she appreciates it but it comes across more as I have made her feel awkward. These things that took a lot of effort are met with the same response as the thanks I get for bringing her a cup of tea. I’m not expecting or wanting a huge thanks anyway, just for her to feel that love and maybe reciprocate it somehow, if only with a smile a hug or a kiss on the cheek.  She can’t even look me in the face anymore and tries to avoid eye contact whenever. She has told me that she is just focussing on getting through the day but I find it so hard to accept that. I know I should accept that. But imagine someone not being able to look at you all day and seemingly escaping into other rooms for hours and shutting the door. Its hard to take especially when you love that person so much. Even though reading Melissa’s book has filled me with a lot of hope I just can’t understand why something so simple as the odd peck on the cheek, eye contact, or and ‘I love you’ initiated from her rather than a forced response to me saying it is so difficult. It seems like a 2 second thing to do and that’s the bit I find hard to understand. So I end up thinking “why does she seem to hate me so much?” and I don’t think anyone could blame me for thinking that? But she has no empathy to that. Instead, its about her and “why did you tell me that? Why are you trying to make ME feel bad?”.

I know she is working on herself. She has just started to see an ADHD Coach. And I know she isn’t able to give me much emotion until she sorts herself out. I also know she is still very angry at me for some of my responses to her ADHD in the past. I get all that. I also appreciate how her mood is always very sad and lethargic (she has the inattentive form of ADHD) and she prefers her own space to deal with things. What gets to me though is that during the week the wife that I get is lethargic, unmotivated, snappy and unwilling to engage with me. Yet when the weekend comes and she goes out with her friends they seem to get the best of her. She is happy, dancing, laughing, interacting positively with people. It feels unfair that I put all my energy into helping her during the week, get blanked, but these other people get the best side of her. I am jealous of them for that but also angry that she can’t show me the same. I know that ADHDers are reward seekers. I get that going out with people, getting drunk and escaping boring old me is a great dopamine hit and reward. But it just feels that is very selfish regardless of the ADHD. Are we all just to accept that because of the ADHD they can do what they want and not care about the people most close to them? At what point does the excuse of having ADHD get abused?

Without this just being a rant, I have some questions relating to it all:

Is there a different way to get your partner to open up about how they feel about you? Saying I love you is just met with a “yeah I love you too” response and never sounds sincere. I want her to tell me more. If I ask “do you love me?” she gets defensive. What other questions can I ask to establish how she feels about me?

If you are an ADHD person how would you warm to someone again that you have grown disinterested in? What would you want them to do?

Any Non ADHD stories of how you have got your partner to fall in love with you again? Is it possible to get back how it was in the beginning?