My boyfriend has ADHD and like everyone else, I had no idea until the sweet, attentive man I moved in with turned into the completely opposite. It's 4 years later and now he spends every single weekend going out with new "friends" he's made in the neighborhood. I am never invited. I've been told that I "get in the way" of him "making friends" If I walk up to the bar and he's there, he will literally leave. He stays out until 2, 3 even 4 in the morning. Every other weekend, he drinks until he vomits. I also suspect he may be snorting coke. But he just gets extremely angry when I try to discuss it with him.
When I tell him I am lonely, staying at home alone Friday and Saturday nights - he gets more angry or just ignores me and leaves the room.
Or that I'm worried that he might be doing illegal substances, he blows up at me. I feel like I am living with a resentful teenage son who literally rolls his eyes if I ask him where he's going or who he's with - he just ignores my text messages and calls. I am getting really fed up with feeling so alone, with being disrespected. I also don't want to deal with him if he's developing a substance abuse problem.
Is this normal ADHD behavior?
This is more than ADHD....
If any expert were to read many of these posts, they would conclude that many of these so-called ADHD partners really have a more serious mental illness going on as well.
This isn't ADD, but the word
This isn't ADD, but the word for what he is isn't a jerk, either. ;)
And who cares what it is? Would it change reality?
Being in an abusive relationship becomes about YOU, not the abuser.
So ask yourself WHY are you staying with him? What's the upside for you?
It's not ADD...I think you should run from the abuse.....
Thankfully you have no marital commitment...
Why don't you get a place, and quit allowing yourself to be so run over? ....If you want a relationship, find a man who lives a responsible life, is kind and desires you...Based on your post this guy your with is disrespecting you...BAD...
If I was you, one night when he headed out I would already have someone to help me move...No one deserves what you dealing with...No one!
The below is good advice
Why don't you get a place, and quit allowing yourself to be so run over? ....If you want a relationship, find a man who lives a responsible life, is kind and desires you...Based on your post this guy your with is disrespecting you...BAD...
If I was you, one night when he headed out I would already have someone to help me move...No one deserves what you dealing with...No one!
Quietly start gathering your stuff. Nothing obvious. Get a place and first move the stuff he won't notice is gone...... do the final obvious stuff when he leaves. Quietly get things ready so that when he does go out, you can use those 3-4 hours to get the rest of your stuff out.