Forum topic: Not using calendar equals taking it out on me while I am working at home

I have been telling my wife for weeks that she has not been keeping track of appointments on our shared calendar or her own calendar.  For example, just before the stay at home period started, she had made an appointment with our couples counselor and forgot to tell me about it.  I stopped off at the drug store on the way home to find her not there.  Our daughter thought she was at a store.  When she got back, I THEN found out that there had been a couples appointment that i would have needed to drive to immediately after work in order to make it.  Worse still, she forgot about the appointment until the counselor called her and then she went for the second half (without telling me!)

Our 11-year-old daughter finally started seeing a therapist shortly before the stay at home orders.  She had previously resisted.  Yesterday, during lunch, I asked my wife if our daughter was going to be doing a zoom session with the therapists soon.  She said there was one scheduled for that after noon.  But it wasn't on the calendar!  At 4:30, she burst into my work area and I asked what was wrong.  Our son's case manager had called and said that he was not on his scheduled session.  So she had to go and get him on--I have had this happen with other things involving our son.  But during that time, she missed all attempts by our daughter's therapist to contact her about our daughter not being online.  She finally got online for the last 10 minutes, but we still had to pay for the whole session.  All this time, she was yelling and screaming, making me feel attacked.  After she finished telling the story and I had made some suggestions, she did not say anything for several minutes.  I reminded her that I needed to get back to work. She yelled at me, "Well, you asked!" and stormed away.  But 1) She initiated the interruption by entering my workspace , 2) Of course I asked because she came in an was clearly upset, and 3) I listened and made suggestions until she fell silent.


Sir I do feel for you.  The chaos (and expensive losses) make you further behind than when you started.  My only suggestion is to contact these providers on the side and get them to agree to give you a warning call the day of any appointment for any family member regardless of who set up the appointment.  Their familiarity with ADHD and RSD symptoms and the impact those symptoms make on family members should make them agreeable. (Yes this should not be needed... but you are far passed expecting 'things' to work logically.)

I really hate for you all the things you deal with...I've read your posts over the past couple of years, and I just shake my head because I too, have lived so much of the dysfunction you have endured....After reading this post, I see a few things that is causing a lot of the difficulty...1) an attempt at a shared calender in my marriage will always end up just like your attempt...So that idea had to be squashed, because it could never happen w/ enough consistency to be helpful...The results will most always be the turmoil and chaos that you posted here...The appointment thing "She forgot to tell you about"...a mind like that, can never be counted on....So when I use to try and trust her to make a plan for "us", I was always faced with the same things you have posted here, (a high percentage of the time), and that has to become completely unacceptable to us!...So to attempt to trust her ability to be responsible in any way, is/was just more self inflicted suffering on my part....I tell my adult children, counselors, business associates, friends, just who ever (I don't care who gets embarrassed, because it's self inflict abuse to not tell them) to never think they can relay anything through her to me...Never!...If they do after that, then that is on them...Not my deal, they were told...

Also the the last part of your post...Is 100% typical behavior that should be expected...You will always be to blame in a mind that refuses to take responsibility for it's actions.....

You are like the rest of us...You will continue to endure it until you don't....You will continue to suffer until you realize you can't trust but one thing with them....You can trust that the circumstances of your post is what your life will always be about, until you step away from depending on her to ever be responsible......Just like many of us have had to......It's usually never desired, but, it's always the reality, and the way to peace....

Bless you...


The appointment with the couples counselor that she did not tell me about was actually a bit more complicated--she had told me earlier in the week that she canceled the appointment!  Then she contacted the counselor and said she did want to do it, did not tell me, and forgot about it herself.

"Curiously enough, the only thing that went through the mind of the bowl of petunias as it fell was 'Oh no, not again.'"--Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

So common here also! :)...Just one of the many many reason's we can't allow our selves to trust them....It's not about love, it's not about anything except what is possible, in order to have peace and quality of life....


That is always the way on the 'ADHD Support' role.  You can never be sure from what direction or in what form the next stupefying 'gut punch' will come from ADHD.  But you know it is coming; it is always coming...