Forum topic: Our pediatrician said without prompting...

I had to pick our daughter up from school with a fever and take her to see the pediatrician.  We were the only ones there. 

He came out and said that I really have my hands full, with our daughter (who has had several psychiatric hospitalizations recently), our son, AND MY WIFE.  He said something about how much she fought with our daughter when she brought her in last week but then said he was not going to comment further.


I feel for you.  No matter what the family's issues were or who was directly involved I always had to FIRST consider how my ADHD-wife would react.  She has the ability and tendency to make whatever solely about how it impacted her regardless of how that distraction would affect anyone else.  Time after +++++ime

It really hits you when someone so very outside of the relationship makes such comments, doesn't it?

I had a similar situation once.  Had a specialist ask me about my home life.  I told them a little about my family, and I kept it strictly to the barest of facts and no commentary.  I would have been too embarrassed to give away my emotions or our struggles to this doctor, a doctor who didn't know me at all yet.  And just that little bit I said, the doctor's face grew very serious, and I was given affirmation that my life is hard, and I'm not crazy.

I'm very glad for you, to have someone, a professional even, confirm the reality you live with, and the reality that you wife denies.  You needed that.  

~ Brin