I read some excellent articles about over explaining and ADHD; why it happens, and possible causes. This will be extremely helpful as it definitely applies to me. I can recall countless times in my life when people were trying to turn me off and I didn't know exactly why? Now I understand!
Just another adaptive strategy that has a self sabotaging effect. And once more, I think this is just another ingrained habit that once served a purpose but no longer serves me. Getting about breaking this habit will be my next course of action.
pressing to be understood....
It's really amazing how unaware I can be in these moments, when I am attempting to bring a person, or people, into my own mind, as it relates to anything...Life scenario's, etc....The reason we (I) do this is because of the fear of being misunderstood, or worse, being perceived as not caring.....
That's Exactly why I do it C
To make sure I've explained it enough so people understand. This goes back to my childhood where, I'm sure people didn't understand me. Just throw more words at them until they do! Lol
However, my boss does this too I noticed. For the same reason as she told me ( not specifically over explaining but ) she has alot of young people where I work who don't understand some of the things she's saying. I'm sure, she's learned that she has to explain things from several angles until they finally get. I think she's now formed a habit...or she might be ADHD ....who knows?
PS. At least that's what I believed. I'm sure there's underlying reason too.
One more thing...
I also need(ed) lots of examples so I can understand things. It would seem, a natural course to do what you need when you haven't realized most people are not like you yet.