My husband has ADD. Our marriage has been on the brink of divorce for the last five years. We have attended counseling, etc. Some things have improved. However, the core issue of my husband not wanting to be vulnerable and put himself out there remains. I am unsure we can get past this issue and I am realizing I will either have to live with it or leave him. He is very self-centered and hardly ever acknowledges my needs. He withholds his love and affection, because he doesn't want to be the first one to put himself out there and risk rejection. I am growing increasingly tired of being the one always putting myself out there to be ignored by him. He goes to bed without holding me or talking to me. It's been seven weeks since we had sex. He believes hugging me is all the work he needs to do and I should be the one to then make the next move. He barely talks to me, but then gets upset when I make plans without him. He wants to be close, but doesn't want to put himself out there. I often personalize his behavior and feel like I am not worthy enough or I did something wrong and that's why he doesn't love me. It's hard to sleep next to someone who is suppose to love you, but won't even acknowledge you. It causes me anxiety. I've tried to let things go and say in my head, give him time. But I give him time and he still does nothing. He's depressed and finally switched to Wellbutrin. Which I believe is somewhat helping with his forgetfulness. He can't take meds for ADD, because it makes him very angry. I am also growing tired of hearing that he is changing for me and I'm the one forcing him to change. He doesn't see any of his changes as being positive, but as being a sacrifice. He was addicted to porn and had a borderline addiction with alcohol. He shoves it in my face that I am the one who made him quit. However, when I say if you want to do those things fine, but you are not living with me if you do, he stays. Even my son gets hurt when he is ignored, so I know that I am just not being overly sensative. When I tell him that I am hurt that he never texts me, hugs me, talks to me, he just says I can't hear your feelings because I cant be concerned with your feelings. He says I need to focus on myself and can't be concerned about your needs. I get that to an extent, however, at some point he needs to address how his behavior effects me. He will never just say, I hear what your saying and I understand that and will try to do what you need. If he said that, our relationship would be totally different. That's what makes all of this feel so stupid. But I need to feel important. I'm sick of feeling alone. I just don't know how not to. How do others deal with being ignored and not take it personally? How do you continue to put yourself out there when you feel rejected? How to you deal with someone who constantly "whines" about problems, but is never willing to do what they need to do to change them?
Have you seen a therapist...together or alone?
<<< He was addicted to porn and had a borderline addiction with alcohol. He shoves it in my face that I am the one who made him quit. <<<
Seriously? He shoves it in your face? Next time he does that, quickly stop and write down exactly the exchange of words and the it and put the time...keep that as a record....maybe take a pic and keep it in your phone. Do that EACH time he does that to record what he's said and the context (date and time as well.)
Then when you're with a couples therapist, bring that subject up. He'll deny it (likely) and then pull out your records/
Not take it personally?
How do others deal with being ignored and not take it personally? We don't deal. We can't. Only rocks and reptiles don't take things personally.
This Behavior Isn't Just Ignoring...
It's having everything is shoved back into your face and then some. It's more actively aggressive and damaging than passively ignoring. This is actively abusive...the other might be considered neglect. There is really a big difference but neither are good. Character assassination, projection, etc.. It's hard not to take being attacked in this way constantly should take it personally. There would be something wrong if you didn't.
Last night we got in an
Last night we got in an argument. I told him I felt ignored, because he hasn't really talked to me in days. I said I feel like I'm just there, but no one sees me. I said you never talk to me and ask me about me. You never talk about plans we need to make, etc. He avoided the whole subject and tried to turn the situation around on me. He says he's not going to open up and be vulnerable anymore, so he is not going to talk about my feelings or his feelings. He then proceeded to throw a temper tantrum and talk about how depressed he is and there's no way out. I'm really beginning to think he doesn't want to get out of his depression. I think he finds comfort in the known and doesn't want to do what it takes to get better. He has now started latching on to the martyr role. He says he has no choices anymore, because all he does is work to provide for the family and he works harder than anyone else. He is also just staying to be a good father. He has no choices. Frankly, I am so sick of hearing his whiny ass complain I just want to punch him sometimes. I don't know what's left if anything of our marriage. I feel like I am beating a dead horse sometimes. I don't believe he is ever going to change and sometimes I feel really stupid for hanging on this long. However, I can't deal with the idea of not seeing my son everyday or trusting him to take care of my son. I'm tired of him saying one thing and then saying another just to argue. It's like I'm arguing with a teenager. I get no where. Last night he said he was going off of an antidepressant that seems to be helping and changing back to his old antidepressant that didn't help. I said your not going to find a magic pill. I said you have to work at it and go to counseling to get to the root of the problem. He said he doesn't know what the problem is. I said the problem is you hate yourself. I said your trying to run from yourself, but you can't. I said the more you try to run, I said the angrier you get. I said your never going to get over your depression until you start to love yourself. He said he's always hated himself and that's who he is. I can't keep living with a depressed person who is dragging me down with him. I've done so much to help him, I'm not going to help anymore and I can't.
So, what are you planning on doing?
What are your next steps? What can you do?
I don't know more I can do.
I don't know more I can do. I don't know what my next steps are. I think a lot of me is staying just out of fear. The other part of me still does love him. However, I'm losing hope things will ever be what I really need them to be.