Forum topic: As the reality sinks in, I realize and feel the fool I have been

So for a full year, I thought we were both working towards acquiring what was necessary to get the counseling that we need.

It has hit me full force that I was once again, the foolish wife of an ADHD spouse who dared to believe that it could be different.  And at the end of the year of work, I find out he chooses his anger and his stuff over me.

That reality has hit me full force, and it so much more painful than I ever thought it would be. I really, truly thought we would make it.  I did. Honestly I did. 

Separation.  Such a filthy word.


I understand your feelings.  

One thing that had always been true but that became crystal clear after I filed for a legal separation (by the way, I don't think it's a bad word) is the following: my husband "separated" from me and the marriage and our children many years ago.  Me filing the papers was just an attempt to formalize something he had done but is too cowardly to acknowledge.    

I'm So Exhausted,

I'm so sorry to hear that things have reached the separation point for you.  It's heartbreaking, I know.  I wish I had some comforting words for you. I also wish our partners would wake up one day and realize what they've thrown away by being in denial.  But that doesn't seem to happen very often.    I hope you have a strong support system of family and friends, and this forum of course.  Take care of yourself. 

"I'm So Exhausted" I'm so sorry.  I've read so many of your posts and you are  so encouraging and positive.  I think it speaks to you character that you hoped you could work things out and really thought your marriage would make it.  At least you know that you did all you could do.  I know that doesn't make the pain go away.  We're all thinking about you.