Hi all,
I haven't posted here in a while because I wanted to take a step back and let my relationship grow. It has grown in some ways, but we have recognized what I consider a very challenging hurdle. My bf of 4 years shuts out everyone in his life to various degrees, he doesn't tell them things and doesn't trust them, because he literally cannot tolerate hearing an opinion about himself that he doesn't like. He has actually said "why should I have to listen to what other people think?" regarding myself and his family (the only people who actually attempt to be close to him). He admitted to emphasizing certain things and omitting other things in conversation with everyone he talks to (he didn't even admit it, he offered it up). This is a huge barrier to emotional intimacy between him and me, any anyone else in his life.
I am not often critical of him, but when I question something he does or express an opinion that he takes as criticism, he is rude and shuts the conversation down. I am just trying to communicate, but he doesn't think he has to "explain [himself] to anyone." I don't yell anymore, but he yells at me and works himself up until he literally has to run away. I watched him yelling last night and he was actually throwing a tantrum like a toddler would. We have plans to move in together and I wanted to know why he hasn't told his parents. We had dinner with them last night and I had to keep my mouth shut. He said he is waiting because he doesn't want to deal with it if anyone has a differing opinion. I said maybe they wouldn't be excited because he doesn't tell them much about us or his life. He said he'll tell them when it's "relevant." He has had boundary issues with his mom oversharing his business to people, but that doesn't excuse all of his behavior. They want to be involved in his life. He hangs onto the past and every negative thing he has perceived anyone saying to him. He ascribes negative motivations to people and thinks everything is thrown in his face; he doesn't give anyone the benefit of the doubt for caring about him. The most telling comment he made was that it's hard enough for him to feel good about himself, let alone hear people's opinions.
This is becoming untenable for me because we can't have a conversation about it where he doesn't blame me and run away yelling. (He brought up a time 4 years ago when I told his mother something that he hadn't and said "that didn't go so well, did it?" I didn't even know what he meant about it not going well. He said he just felt like she treated him differently after. I am expected to read his mind.) I feel like I have tried every way I know how to have a conversation with him. He doesn't apologize after he yells and leaves. He thinks he is entitled to do whatever he wants and have people's support, and have their trust while they know that he is often manipulating the truth. He doesn't consider that it might be hard for people to trust him. I need the honest opinion of you all as to whether this is something that can be worked through if he isn't in therapy (he isn't). These are major trust, intimacy, self-esteem, and communication issues that is is blaming everyone for but himself. He seems incapable or unwilling to address the feelings of others. I am wondering how he even thinks this way (is he struggling to maintain a narrative of himself?), but I really need to know what I should do. Our relationship is pretty good otherwise, but being treated disrespectfully and not being able to be honest with him is not going to work as we move through life. I don't even know how to express how I feel to him because he won't listen.
Thanks for any thoughts or stories you might share.
Do you really think this would get better later?
Just a question: Do you think this blaming behavior would get better because you guys are living together? If you read all the posts from those of us who have lived long term with ADHD persons, you will see that the blaming behavior only gets worse after moving in together or getting married. The ADHD person begins to focus on other things, and the stresses of now " being together" take over. The blaming gets worse, because they can't handle anything going wrong with "them". If he's had such a serious problem with his parents, this will ONLY continue and get worse with you. You will want attention, and his focus will be elsewhere.
Just because you love him, and probably DEARLY, isn't enough to love him OUT of his behavior. We ALL thought that.....it doesn't work. They don't get it, and they can't, because ADHD is a brain problem. They don't think like we do, and don't reason the same when it comes to relationship issues. I would certainly RE-consider moving in with him until he gets some treatment for his ADHD and for the rejection he feels from his family. Otherwise, he will RE-direct that blame onto you also, as it seem like he's already beginning to do. And if he won't listen to you NOW, that too, will only get worse. Please trust me, it doesn't get better, just because you live together. There's not enough love in the world to help them overcome things they have to do for themselves. And, HE has to learn how to manage his ADHD himself, take meds and do what's necessary for the two of you to have a better relationship. I'm sorry to sound harsh, I don't mean this to be......I am trying to tell you what's real. What I know for sure, and that I've lived it for many years, until I lost myself in the process......like many of us have. I wish you well, Keep posting and asking questions, there is a lot of friends, help and introspect here on these forums. Best to you.
These things only get worse....
I feel like a broken record...lol....
So many of you young women write about relationships that are just going to get worse. Why do I think this way? Because I live it.
Just because you love him, and probably DEARLY, isn't enough to love him OUT of his behavior. We ALL thought that.....it doesn't work. They don't get it, and they can't, because ADHD is a brain problem. They don't think like we do, and don't reason the same when it comes to relationship issues.
Yes, you can't "love them out of it."
I am almost certain that many of us who write about the craziness, meanness, and disrespect that we get from our ADHD spouses/partners , are actually dealing with partners who have a co-existing mental illness which is the root of the anger, insults, verbal/emotional abuse, etc.
No matter how bad it is now, it will get worse...much worse. Add family, commitment, chores, expectations, vacations, and maybe children, ....and you'll soon have major trauma on your hands.
MOVE on....find someone who will treat you right..