What should I do when my ADHD exBF continues to harass me with emails full of veiled threats? The cops won’t do anything. One of my dogs had to be put down on Friday, and I am heartbroken. I put everything I had into the care of this 14 year old puppy who has had hip dysphasia for the last year and a half. I had a baby monitor and I watched him all night long and did everything I could to save him and make sure he was comfortable.
When I posted in Facebook about his death, my angry ex just HAD to say something very hurtful and make it all about HIM and his victimhood, and my “selfishness” instead of the life of this precious dog.
I blocked him long ago. I got a restraining order, but he hid from the cops so they were never able to serve him... we broke up FOUR years ago, but the cyberstalking just keeps on coming.
I'm so sorry for your loss!
It is so hard to lose a fur baby. :(
That is so awful to get a nasty post from your ex. :( I set my FB to private so that no one can find me unless they are already friends with me. Also no one can tag me without my permission. I used to get nasty emails constantly from my ex. I shut down that email address and gave my new email address only to people I could trust. I set up a new separate email address only for my ex. I checked it once a day only. That way I didn't have to see multiple emails from him every time I checked my email. I could not block him completely since we have a daughter and we communicate via email only.
If you block him on Facebook, he cannot see your posts nor can he comment on your page. Block him right now. Also, change your email if possible, if not, block him and put his emails in your spam bucket. Block his phone number on your phone so it doesn't even ring if he calls.
I had already blocked him.
I blocked his Facebook profile, phone number and email long ago. He will borrow someone else’s cell phone and try to call me, so I don’t answer unknown numbers any more. He just keeps making up new Facebook profiles and new email addresses to get past my blocking. I set my Facebook privacy settings to friends only. So he took a mutual real life friend’s Facebook profile, copied a lot of photos from it, created a whole new fake profile, and friend requested me and several of my real life friends. I warned my friend and he got Facebook to take down the cloned profile. My x is relentless, angry and obsessed with the delusion that he’s been victimized. He doesn’t understand that I left because I’m afraid of him. He just keeps saying I’m evil because I hate him. He says I ruined him financially when in reality I carried him and supported him for over a decade. He never contributed a dime. He was used to living a nice life that he could not afford on his own, and since his ATM is shut down, he plays the victim role while terrorizing me and my best friend. He threatened her life because some how he blames her for my decision to kick him to the curb. He calls her a home wrecker and vows vengeance against her. We are all in our 60’s. This is ridiculous that she and I have to continue to live with this angry crazy person stalking and threatening us. I called the cops on him again. Maybe they will do something this time.
Stalker reply
Does your state have stalker laws? Document all of these instances (screen shots, diary, backup from friend) and keep documenting for as long as it takes. And don't stop calling the police...just keep making complaints with the new instances. I hope it works.
The stalking has stopped because I called the FBI.
Thanks for all of your kind words and support.