Understanding how OCD, Anxiety RSD and Emotional Lability work

I was just able to fit these puzzle pieces together to form the larger picture. This is just for my own awareness which is always helpful.

Breaking this down:

OCD can be broken down into two components: 

Thoughts and behaviors.

Similar to ADHD I suppose, everyone sees the behaviors ( the symptoms ) but they can't see the thoughts that go with them. 

The thoughts can cause extreme anxiety and stress at times, which is how they link together. Anxiety.

The rumination causes the endless cycling through these thoughts ( intrusive in nature ). Longevity. 

The catastrophic component causes them to ramp up or escalate to their worst possible conclusion, and / or,  jumping to the worst possible end or conclusion.

And the emotional lability aspect cause them to amplify out of control. ( the over reaction ).

So under normal circumstances, a thought or experience to some outside influence that makes you irritated or in terms of rejection: angry, hurt, disappointed or sad, which are strong feelings or emotions that are difficult for most to deal with at times....

Most people can process it relatively quickly and get over it or manage to keep these feelings under control. 

Someone like myself with ADHD and the OCD component has these thoughts get hijacked by the mechanism I just explained.

The thoughts get: hijacked ( which causes: anxiety), catastrophized, perpetuated and then amplified out of control.

And if these are negative thoughts are attached to a painful emotional experience, the end of this process ( the end of the chain)  inevitably is not going to be very good.

Resulting behaviors and actions ensue. ( in an extreme way )

Anyway, this is helpful for me to be aware of this chain or process. Even if it's not exactly correct...the basic idea or purpose is to be aware to simply help manage and control it....and understand how these things all relate together. 

At least it's helpful for me?