Undiagnosed ADHD and marital problems

I may have undiagnosed ADHD and I looked into it more after 2 things that happened: I listened to the Mel Robbins podcasts when she did an episode on ADHD and announced she had it and also when I got fired from my last job for working substantially more hours during busy season but still under performed my peers. To add onto that, both my wife and in-laws are high performance, high wired people, where their minds are operating at 100mph and don't slow down. They had to think that way to get past survival mode when they immigrated to the US. I was raised by strict parents due to their Christian background, but was not forced to over exert myself when I didn't need to. Whatever I worked on, I would take the amount of time needed to complete it. Here's where I think may have undiagnosed ADHD. My mind cannot process information as quick as my wife and in-laws, so it leads to slower execution. In addition, I would overlook things that "normal" people would not overlook. This has caused many arguments between me and my wife. Also, if my in-laws saw that I accidentally did something incorrectly or too slowly, they would be like "what's wrong with you?!" My wife says that to me too and then they would complain to my wife about my inadequacies. So right now, I feel like if I'm inaccurate or inefficient, I'm useless and my kids are seeing that as well. Also, my older daughter may show early signs of ADHD as well, the inattentive kind just like me. I remember one night my wife said that if our daughter has ADHD, I will never forgive you because you ruined her life and my life. Although ADHD makes life more challenging, it's not impossible to overcome. It's that my wife is afraid my daughter can't be more than average even she grows up. On top of that, I have suggested therapy for myself as well as couples counseling. She adamantly refuses both because as long as the way she carries herself generates better results and more usefulness in society, she doesn't feel she needs to change. And I can't get therapy for myself because she thinks I'm too "stupid" to be fixed and she micromanages all our bank accounts so she will flip if I attended therapy. A few other notes, she is the breadwinner in the family as she make significantly more money than me and if we were to get divorced, the kids will easily side with the mother. 

I don't know what to do. I'm either stuck in an unloving marriage and if I divorce, I might only get visitation rights. If you have any suggestions, I'm open for options.