Sorry this is such a long post. I’m the mother of 3 teenagers and a 47 year old man. My husband always said he had adhd and I could see it reflected in lack of follow through with projects, etc. But never considered how it shaped his personality. I always figured he picked up the worse combo of his parents' personality traits. But I am realizing that his dad was probably adhd too.
I am currently questioning whether I can handle forever, after 18 years of marriage. Things that are driving me crazy about him:
Unable to “read a room”
either being the focus of a conversation or not participating at all
talking endlessly about a subject that nobody cares about (and can’t/doesn’t read others’ bored body language)
exaggerating stories (lying!) to get a reaction
making unfiltered comments sometimes for attention, sometimes just plain oblivious that they are inappropriate- telling our sons middle school soccer team they are playing like garbage- yelling at kids on the soccer field- in conversation describing a kid to another parent by saying “you know, that fat kid”- bringing up the subject of suicide at a family dinner (it fit in the conversation but was unnecessary to include) when my cousin and sister both experience that kind of loss to someone very close(he knew this but prob forgot)
zero initiation for any chore around the house- but always saying he was going to do it as he sees me doing it
i handle any money, planning, issues revolving our house/home life. Spending generally isn't a source of contention but he has no idea about our finances and doesn't care to.
the emotional maturity of a 16 year old.
Temper tantrums when encountering difficulties- whether it’s with a printer problem or finding his lost wallet or whatever
hurt feelings if the kids don’t really acknowledge him, but the times that they do he barely acknowledges them back.
Taking things the kids do or say personally, currently he can’t grasp that they are teens and moody and sometimes they say not nice things to parents, but they don’t really mean it. (And I’m not saying they shouldn’t be corrected)
Constantly having to diffuse situations between him and kids so they don’t escalate into full blown fights. He will say things just to get a reaction from them and then they react and he gets mad.
Loves to counter the kids. One says she doesn’t want to go to college so he starts with, “well you won’t be able to get a job, I know, that was me, blah blah blah.” The other kid says well I want to get a PhD in engineering and so husband says, “well you have to know a lot of math and be really good at math (in a discouraging tone as if it’s a bad idea).” Like ugh!!!! Kids can’t win with him!
Riding in a car with him is miserable- always mad and yelling at other drivers and can’t understand why it upsets me that he is upset with others.
The latest straw - I agreed to go back to work full time after 10 years as sahm so that my husband could get out of a stressful job situation and use his GI bill and go back to college full time. That was supposed to take 3 years. After taking a couple semesters off to take some optional additional army training(he is in the reserves) and also failing (and retaking) a couple classes- 5.5 years later he graduated. Now the job search...I’m job searching for him because he puts next to zero effort in. He got a job offer, but turned it down because he thought it didn’t pay enough! What an ego! Or lazy? Or both. I am livid! 2 months after he graduated and still no job! Take the low paying job and keep looking! Idk, am I crazy to think that? Maybe i would feel differently if he were useful around the house.
I feel like our marriage has been a roller coaster of good and bad with these defining let downs where I realize he will always be most concerned with himself. If it’s not one of the above behaviors it’s another that eventually drives me to where I am at now. Miserable! The social aspect has been hard on me lately. I now try to keep him away from other parents and people who I would have engaged with in the past, because his comments and behaviors are so embarrassing to me and people don’t like him. Only my closest friends (one or two) and some family can tolerate him. It makes me sad and lonely.
And now that I’ve made him out to be a horrible person- I know he loves me. And God love him- the man has tried and does try. It’s just never enough for me. And old habits die hard , so a lot of times him trying is just temporary fixes to get us through the current argument and then he reverts to old behaviors as time goes on. I don’t think he has ever been unfaithful. He compliments my looks constantly. He does sweet things like makes me breakfast occasionally and can buy super thoughtful Christmas/ birthday gifts some years. (And as I write, I just noticed he surprised us with donuts this morning!) And I think it would kill my kids if we divorced, even as dysfunctional as he is. It’s such a struggle. I hate the example he sets for them but yet he is there and involved just enough that I’m not sure leaving is best for them.
Well if you are still reading, thank you. My questions are: he has never been medicated. does medication help these personality type issues? I mean at this point I feel like he is who he is. Is it possible for a marriage like this to make it? I am miserable but honestly want it to work. Do I have to turn a blind eye and suck it up? Can I bring this stuff up to him? I feel like if I lay it all out it’s like a total attack on his personality and who he is as a person. In the past it’s always been one issue at a time, basically whatever happened to make me mad is what is brought up and addressed.
Thanks for reading!
My opinion, based not on
My opinion, based not on being an expert (I'm not one) but on lots of reading and experience (my ex and one of our children have been diagnosed with ADHD), is that medication can help with behaviors that involve paying attention or not paying attention. Medication might help with behaviors related to depression and anxiety. That is, if a person has a short fuse or isn't doing things because the person is depressed or anxious, taking medication might help the person show less anger or get things done. Medication does not change a person's personality, however one defines "personality."
Thanks for your input.
Thanks for your input.
Very good post das....
Stay!...Most of it isn't intentional...He can learn to do better, but, his mind works around his own thought processes, (details, and self related activities, he isn't trying to be selfish, he can't track talk time, and relates to what he know's his self) and he voices them without really being able to consider them silently (mentally)...Many times his comments in social settings are heard by him the first time he speaks them...It's awkward for him also...Those hollering at the kids things comes from a competitive spirit that add minds struggles to put the brakes on...I'm not taking up for him...He needs to recognize and manage these things...You should give him this post in a letter....WE need our hearts broken in order to realize we have work to do on ourselves....After reading this post I want to hug you and tell you I understand....But, I also want to speak some truth to your husband....I know he loves you and is oblivious to the effects he is having by not considering his words and actions better.....I would have very little patients for the not taking a job thing!
Bless you!
Thanks for the encouragement
Thanks for the encouragement. I really do want things to work. And I have been thinking maybe a letter of some sort, if not this one, would be the best way to approach him. Sometimes everything just all hits at once and it makes me question whether it's all worth it, he just drags me down- such as right now- embarrassment after a few holiday get togethers with family and friends, no job, constant giving kids a hard time, little help around the house. Ugh. But I think it's still worth the effort, so I won't give up yet. If nothing else venting to a bunch of strangers who can relate is therapeutic itself!
Acceptance gives direction and relieves stress.....
I only was able to start calmly dealing with the situation of our difference's (still struggle at times because of slipping back to some kind of expectations) when I accepted her for who she is....
This acceptance thing doesn't mean you agree with their life style, choices, or behaviors....What had to happen for me was....I had to keep putting this reality to myself....."OK, this person is my wife...I love her, and this is who she is....If she's alive, this is what I can expect"
When I found peace with that reality (total acceptance of who she is) I was able to start calmly doing what I had to do to protect myself (boundaries) from anything she justifies, that is, has, or could be intrusive or abusive to me....
I am totally at peace with living alone if it comes to that...When she realized I was at peace with it...It changed her attitude...
It reminds me of that show on TV..."The biggest loser"....There is no person that I know of on this plant, that was more miserable than I was, when I was placing expectations on my wife to think, feel and behave differently...That's what happens to us....That's why this forum exists....That's why hard working sound thinking adults are on this site, typing out words to others and praying we aren't crazy, and that someone can understand what we are being subject to....And when we realize that many here might as well have been looking in our window...It's like YES!!!
It's very hard to look in the mirror and come to grips with the only thing that can improve my quality of life, is to leave my spouse....Or, set boundaries on myself and them, to protect us both from our huge difference's and end the conflict over those difference's....
Not a lot to lose by trying meds
Hey Das,
I struggled like you are for a long time. And most notably, I avoided hurting my husband's feelings at all costs for a good number of years. (Even though my feelings were constantly disregarded.) I felt resentful at carrying the bulk of the load, I felt lonely because we spent no quality time together, I felt stressed by the constant tension between our daughter and her dad, I felt used, etc., etc., ... Why was it okay for my feelings to be at best ignored and at worst trampled on while I protected his feelings and ego at every turn? It really wasn't okay. I had to and still have to tell myself that MY feelings matter as much as everyone else's. And I think when we are feeling pushed to the brink as spouses that it has to be okay to be able to talk to our partners about medication and relationship dynamics that aren't working. His feelings about you bringing it up are his to deal with, not your responsibility.
Some on this site have reported a significant difference with medication alone, so why not try? :)
Good points
You make some good points. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Definitely something to consider. First I have to get my thoughts together and get the courage up to approach him about it all. The resentment is real and runs deep after all these years. I can see this turning into me bringing up a million events that happened in the past that hurt, embarrassed or annoyed me and him becoming defensive and/or being clueless as to what the problem was, as half the time he recreates some great memory about the situation which was not what really happened anyway.
My life!
You described my life! My husband is finally getting tested and do I stay and work with if he is ADHD or leave.