Forum topic: Welbutrin

Does anyone have experience with this medication?

My husband's primary care physician diagnosed depression and "borderline ADHD" and gave him the lowest dose of Welbutrin.  His pyschologist held onto the ADHD diagnosis (he attended 6 sessions)

He did not attend his final appointment with the psychiatrist for final testing and diagnosis.  When I look back on the past, I see something besides ADHD.  However, I'm not going to make an armchair diagnosis.  I'll just say that I think there is a reason that Welbutrin worked so well for him - increased focus and leveled moods.  

His prescription bottle has been sitting in the same place for 4 days now, unfilled.  I am torn.  Do I act as his mother again?  Remind him to get it filled ? Remind him that removing the medication from his system cold turkey may create a rebound depression worse than what he had before?  Do I decide that he is an adult and let him deal with it?  All that is required is a call to the automated refill system and a ten minute trip to the pharmacy that is a half mile from our house.  

I guess I could do it myself although I have no access to his health insurance information, let alone the card? 

Do I assume make assumptions about what is going on in his mind?  There have been increased tensions in the house because of his latest inappropriate online activities.  I feel once again humiliated and barely speak to him.  Has his usually fatalistic mind come to the conclusion that it doesn't matter what he does, it doesn't work?  I don't know.  He agreed that Welbutrin made him feel better than he has in a long time but he hasn't refilled his prescription.  I agreed with him, but added that a pill alone is not a solution.  

I'm so tired of being the parent.  If he doesn't want to help himself?...... what's left.  I feel like I've been dragged (drug?) through the mud these years and he won't do the absolute minimum to help himself. How can I see a future without any effort? 

I've already noticed increased fatigue and lethargy.  He's been the most "normal" he's ever been while on Welbutrin (about 6 months, lowest possible dose) - no depression, no euphoria. When he first started taking it, he became super productive. 

I can confirm one porn site.  He used a password I know.  It looks like he's been hitting it pretty heavy for the last 12 weeks.  He won't let me see his phone.  I hate being in my own home and hearing his phone ding with one notification after another while I'm in the next room. We need to get the house sold, with or without his cooperation. Neither one of us can carry the house individually.  I like Melissa's idea about a formal in house separation agreement to address things like this.  I will take care of that this weekend, Christmas be damned. 

Seriously can't refill a prescription but can spend hours looking up every insta-hoe in the universe? 

I'm so tired.  



I've already noticed increased fatigue and lethargy.  He's been the most "normal" he's ever been while on Welbutrin (about 6 months, lowest possible dose) - no depression, no euphoria. When he first started taking it, he became super productive



I liked it when my H was on Welbutrin, but he also stopped.  I suspect that my H stopped because it dampens sex drive.  Your H may have had the same experience.  If that's what happened, then it would explain why he stopped, and now is "enjoying' porn sites.  Ugh!

I too am exhausted.  I understand.  My advice?  Do not refill.  Learn to ignore.  I have spent the past few years slowly but surely training myself to ignore stuff and not fix it or rescue.  It's hard at first, but it gets easier.  The truth is he HAS the time, he is choosing NOT to refill it and do other things instead.  ADHD or no ADHD, people make time for what is important to them.  The porn is important to him, therefore he makes time for it.  Do you pay the cell phone bill?  Stop paying it OR make it so it can only be used as a phone, nothing more.  I did that with my son's phone when he was getting into some trouble--if the phones are in your name, it takes one phone call.  When the NON spouse is working harder to manage the ADHD spouse's life, that is a problem and sooooo many of us do that here, mainly because bad things happen that affect us if we don't take care of everything.  My DH is just not someone I even know any more.  He dresses in almost all black clothes that are too big for him--he buys 2X and 3X and he is not that big.  The pants literally drag on the ground, short sleeve shirts-the sleeves hang down almost to long sleeve.  He even buys his shoes one size too big--his heels slip out of them when he walks.  So strange.  In the past year, not one gift I have given him actually got used--and they were all things he wanted.  He too has meds that he claims to not need but everything takes him so darn long to do it drives me insane.  I have watched him open junk mail and read over it carefully before tossing it--WHY???  Anyone can see from the envelope it's junk--why are you even opening it?  I no longer believe anything he says he will do-he rarely follows through.  My advice--take a deep breath and let it go--seriously--whatever IT is--do what you need to do to make your living space/life the way you want it and ignore him.  Really--much more peaceful.  There is no explanation for most of what they do--stop trying to figure it out.  The biggest problem I have in our apartment is DH is EVERYWHERE.  There is no space that his clutter is not.  His side of our master closet is a disaster, he took over my desk and that is a mess, our garage is packed with crap.  That is hard for me.  I try to contain his stuff as much as possible, but not with much success.  My goal in life is a studio apartment...alone.

Take a nap and try to ignore.