Every time my husband and I decide to go out dancing I get scared! So scared that who is he going to stare down next? what is it with men any ways, we have a great sex life, we are into each other like there is no tomorrow, and I know that things are tough with us lately dealing with his ADHD problems, but at the same time where is the respect in our marriage..I don't mind if he takes a look sometimes but not so constant all the time..I sometime wonder if he is passing time with me till he finds someone else or if I am with a womanizer? That scares me the most because I love this man and he knows that I do my best with him keeping us together don't matter what, and trust me we've been through more than enough...But seriously I am getting tired of the watching of the other women..TIME TO STOP! any good comments will be deeply appreciated thank you... from:lovehurtsalotwithanger....
Gawking at other women
My husband and I had been separated for 8 months, and when we got back together (presumably after spending that time looking at a lot of porn), he would just oogle and stare at other women embarrassingly when we were together, almost with his mouth open! (And I'm not a slouch.) He didn't seem to realize (though I told him so) that I could see him out of the corner of my eye. He even stepped behind me when we walked so he could oogle without me seeing him. I asked him to stop, I told him to stop. He said he had picked up a bad habit and he was working on it but it would take him some time. Finally, I just told him that the next time he did it I was going to walk over to the lady receiving his attention and ask her if she would like to meet my husband -- that it appeared she had something he wanted! Guess what -- he stopped IMMEDIATELY. I consider this very disrespectful -- not an uncontrollable symptom of ADHD.
I agree lynnie.
I totally agree with you lynnie...my husband looks at porns alot,,, and how I know this Is when he use to live with my kids and myself, I too had a small personal collection, and he would steal my collection that I had( when I was single) when he moved into his own apartment, and I was cleaning out my room and missed a few of which I was going to dispose of but it clearly slipped my mind that it was there for many years now, and to tell you the truth it's not good to look at when you are in a relationship it takes you clearly into a next level it's satanic....After I missed it I asked him if he had them and he said NO! like that and said to me he would never ever look at such dirty movies ,that he too said it takes away from relationships..OKAY! by this time he convinced me sure enough he tried to pin it on my 15 year old son..HOW TERRIBLE,,, come on he had me there for two weeks,so I decided to look further into it and one great day my gut feeling told me to search his apartment and the very first place I looked I found it..I felt betrayed,hurt,angry,sad I even shed a tear or two not because he was watching the dirty movies but because he lied to me in my face and tried to set up my son,,,MY SON is my life and my daughter that's why I can't live with him until I figure out his states and goals in his life and where does my children fit in the children he (one) lied on,,he is never to be trusted NEVER!!!!! now he buys them off the cable company and sad to say before he gives me money be prefers to buy these dirty movies and all he would ever end up with is a high bill every month and his d*** in his hand,,,GOOD FOR HIM,,I am getting sick and tired of all this and I can clearly see his rope is coming to an end with me SOON...