Wife just left me

My un-diagnosed ADHD wife of over 20 years just announced (out of the blue) that she was leaving me and served me divorce papers the next day. She has many elements of ADHD and some OCD traits as well. We have just returned from a 3+ month van trip of Australia and we had a great time. We are retired and travel a lot. We get on well on the road. At home things are more challenging. We have never, ever discussed "divorce", "breaking up" or "splitting up". Since we had a great trip to Australia (we spend 3 months in a very small sprinter van) there was no indication that she was at the end of her rope. She was more moody and depressed than normal upon return which she said was due to jet lag and trip recovery.  I am in total shock.

She spends a lot of time in her own thoughts (ruminating). I have no understanding of what is going on in her head. I realize now that I have been highly impacted by her ADHD behaviors. I was just able to always look past it. We have many of the negative interactions Melissa outlines in the book. She says she has lost herself. I believe she started to make this decision about six months ago (before we left for Australia) based on looking back on some of her comments.

I am really struggling to come to terms with the way she handled this and did not give me a chance to fight for the marriage. She just upped and left. We had talked about counselors in the past but never made the step (which is my mistake).

It has been nearly two weeks and she has not told any of her few close friends nor has she told her family (she was with her family over Memorial Day weekend). This is very bizarre to me.

To the group: Does this decision of hers to just get up and leave reflect the ADHD condition. She has made it very clear there in no path to reconciliation. I am in a seek to understand mode.