Good results for days 1 & 2. Within 30 to 40 minutes of first use, my wife seemed to me noticeably more relaxed and "here." Her morning shower took half the time it normally does. I wasn't flooded with text messages while she was at work the way I often am - a couple of messages about the effects of the Ritalin, that was about it. She said she was still distracted at work in the morning but in the afternoon felt more focussed. At home in the evening, she was calmer, more direct and more "solid."
Day 2, I could tell she hadn't taken Ritalin first thing because her shower time doubled back up to its usual. Almost no text messages from her that day, and in the evening she reported that she could tell how much more focussed and less distracted she was at work. She was more relaxed and playful than I've seen in a long time.
Today, Saturday, day 3, she spent the morning in bed and is getting off to an easy start this afternoon (including spontaneous cleaning!).
My own reactions have surprised me. On day 1, I was tensely anticipating results and ended up pleasantly surprised by the changes. Yesterday, day 2, I woke up feeling a load of sadness that I think I've been suppressing for a while. I spent half the day feeling deeply sad, then napped and woke with an eagerness to have fun with my wife that I haven't felt in years. We ended up having a really fun evening like we haven't had in years, and I rediscovered my enjoyment of caring for her, instead of it being the burden I've felt it as for years. This morning, day 3, I woke up with fresh insight into how my responses to her behaviour affected her over the years, and recommitted myself to continue working on myself as I have done since realising I misinterpreted her behaviour all these years. I've been really surprised at how much more room I feel now to improve. It really is a feeling of increased space in our relationship.
So glad to here about your wife's newfound success. If she is interested, Organizing Solutions for People with ADHD has been the most helpful book about organization, ever... I say this in case she plateaus and needs to develop skills, as we ADHD people require once the fog has lifted. My husband rarely makes a comment about the state of our house, and I feel like I have been explicitly taught how to make decisions concerning paper and what to do with it as well as how to store items so I actually put them away. These are things that plague people with ADHD, as I'm sure you've noticed;-) . The author is a professional organizer whose daughter has ADHD, so she gets how we think.
On the third day...
This is the third day of my wife taking Ritalin.
Good results for days 1 & 2. Within 30 to 40 minutes of first use, my wife seemed to me noticeably more relaxed and "here." Her morning shower took half the time it normally does. I wasn't flooded with text messages while she was at work the way I often am - a couple of messages about the effects of the Ritalin, that was about it. She said she was still distracted at work in the morning but in the afternoon felt more focussed. At home in the evening, she was calmer, more direct and more "solid."
Day 2, I could tell she hadn't taken Ritalin first thing because her shower time doubled back up to its usual. Almost no text messages from her that day, and in the evening she reported that she could tell how much more focussed and less distracted she was at work. She was more relaxed and playful than I've seen in a long time.
Today, Saturday, day 3, she spent the morning in bed and is getting off to an easy start this afternoon (including spontaneous cleaning!).
My own reactions have surprised me. On day 1, I was tensely anticipating results and ended up pleasantly surprised by the changes. Yesterday, day 2, I woke up feeling a load of sadness that I think I've been suppressing for a while. I spent half the day feeling deeply sad, then napped and woke with an eagerness to have fun with my wife that I haven't felt in years. We ended up having a really fun evening like we haven't had in years, and I rediscovered my enjoyment of caring for her, instead of it being the burden I've felt it as for years. This morning, day 3, I woke up with fresh insight into how my responses to her behaviour affected her over the years, and recommitted myself to continue working on myself as I have done since realising I misinterpreted her behaviour all these years. I've been really surprised at how much more room I feel now to improve. It really is a feeling of increased space in our relationship.
Here's to continuing the work.
So nice to see a positive post on this site again!
Hi ajay,
So glad to here about your wife's newfound success. If she is interested, Organizing Solutions for People with ADHD has been the most helpful book about organization, ever... I say this in case she plateaus and needs to develop skills, as we ADHD people require once the fog has lifted. My husband rarely makes a comment about the state of our house, and I feel like I have been explicitly taught how to make decisions concerning paper and what to do with it as well as how to store items so I actually put them away. These are things that plague people with ADHD, as I'm sure you've noticed;-) . The author is a professional organizer whose daughter has ADHD, so she gets how we think.
Sending well wishes your way!
Hi! Thankyou very much! I'll let her know. :)