I found the book helpful in providing clarity on my emotions. You have to be honest in answering the questions asked. In my opinion, if you're reading it you're likely looking for reasons to leave. I certainly was. Honestly answering the questions it asked helped me realistically evaluate our relationship, and if it was salvageable. The book "Boundary Boss" was also helpful. They both help you figure out what are your true "deal breakers". ADHD overtakes your life, and these books at least put the emphasis on what you are going though instead of your partner's problems. My 2 cents worth :-)
My take on the book
I found the book helpful in providing clarity on my emotions. You have to be honest in answering the questions asked. In my opinion, if you're reading it you're likely looking for reasons to leave. I certainly was. Honestly answering the questions it asked helped me realistically evaluate our relationship, and if it was salvageable. The book "Boundary Boss" was also helpful. They both help you figure out what are your true "deal breakers". ADHD overtakes your life, and these books at least put the emphasis on what you are going though instead of your partner's problems. My 2 cents worth :-)