This is not some new revelation, but just a reminder. Again, just sharing something I feel is important.
I keep bringing myself back to Echart Tolle's revelation, in the moment he had his epiphany. This also, deals with the "us and them" dichotomy.
At his lowest state, next to suicide, he thought " I can't live with myself ". Then he thought, "who is this "self" I can't live with?"
In essence, he's just "one" person, who's this extra thing, construct, story, idea, or person, who's not himself? Imagination?
And who's this "them" then? Who's not you? The one you don't like. Especially, if they're actually exactly like you? This thing you hold so much contempt for?
In that moment, he understood who he was. And this "self"... is just an illusion. A construct of his own doing.
It's a reminder for me, in moments with SO....that she is more like me, than I think she even realizes. I realize it, but at times, I don't think she does.
Even more so.....any criticism of me coming from only a self reflection of what she doesn't like about herself. It's a reminder not to take it personally and not to take it in .
It's easier said than done but, Eckhart Tolle is the one who reminds me:
"If you can't live with yourself...who can you live with? "