I have not posted in some time, hoping all would improve but it has not. My husband is very angry that I no longer trust him (big surprise when he neglects to inform me of funds used to support his business, lack of communication, and lack of follow through). I have attempted to share with him how trust is built through small actions (following up on what he tells me) but it appears he is so “hurt” by my lack of trust in him that he does not even comprehend. I want to trust him again, but am at a loss of how to tell him how to do things to build that trust again (he is clueless as to what he should do). Recommendations greatly appreciated!
Is it possible?
Sorry about this.
I think in some of these situations, non partners need to not overwork themselves spoon-feeding ADD partners relationship remedies only to be yelled at. I know first hand how ADD can ruin trust over time. There was literally nothing I could do about it except exhaust myself and be treated poorly as a consequence.