Successful Interaction

This is a well known situation that we just navigated together without any conflict. I won't say there's an exact resolution on my end, but a compromise was made.

If memory serves me ( I'm not 100% sure )...but in one of his books, Dr Hallowell talked about this very relationship issue, about himself, so I know I'm not alone. This has to do with waiting to do things ( until later ) or doing them right away ( first thing ) and the order in which people tend to do things. In our case, I'm the wait until later guy, and my SO is the do it right now first before you do anything else.

This is actually a very good combination for me. By taking her lead, she's motivated me to stay on top of things and I've already developed much better habits by simply "doing it first".  And so many times, I feel the resistance from my "do it later" pattern trying to pull me back.  And 99% of the time, by fighting the "do it later" by "doing it now", it's been a positive change in improving a life long ADHD pattern....except in one specific case which is Sunday morning on my day off. ( or any day off for that matter ).

Like my mother, my SO, on any given day, within minutes of opening her eyes and her brain turns on, springs out of bed like a race horse and starts "doing something " immediately.  In my SO's case, I'll wake up many times with the sound of the washing machine and the vacuum cleaner ( both ) going at the time. I remember distinctly, the sound of cookware banging together and cupboards opening and closing when I was a kid. Nothing has changed, except now it's more likely the vacuum cleaner instead. 

On a non work day, this is not a problem. As I said, this is a really good motivator to get my butt up and moving. On the weekend however, this has become more of an issue....especially when ( with intention ) I allow myself to default to my old pattern which is:

Lay in bed for an hour and do nothing and/or  listen to music...while continuing to do nothing. Then after an hour or so, slowly get out of bed and wander aimlessly around the house, then wander outside and look around for a while,  then wander back into the kitchen and think about making coffee. I may start the coffee, but many times get side tracked on the first thing I see only to forget about the coffee, to finish something I started yesterday, but then remember the coffee...and come back to finish making it. I'll then putter around the house some more drinking coffee,  to then go back outside to look around ( again ) and listen to the birds and watch planes fly by overhead.....

only to come back inside and get back into bed with my phone, and scroll around for a while longer until I'm fully awake. At this moment, it when I first think about getting ready to do something productive, but first, having to lay around for a while longer and strategize my day using the "what do I feel like doing first" method to plan my day. By this time, a couple of hours has past which is okay...since I give myself until 12:00pm to actually start anything as a rule. Which starting time is always "later" in the day....never "first". I have figured into my automatic calculator, that 5:00pm is roughly my deadline...and the closer I get to 5:00pm as a start time...the more pressure I feel, and the more motivated I get, to get going and do the "task(s)".

Once 12:00pm's officially afternoon! Morning is for getting ready and doing nothing...afternoon is for doing "work" and 5pm is quitting time approx.

So in this scenario....I'm off to the races ( the race horse ) at noon...and my SO is off the races the second her feet hit the floor in the morning....and it doesn't matter if it's the weekend of not. With her, it's consistently the same thing every day. Which is why she's so consistent!

Her pattern never changes...but mine does. This is where the problem begins. We both work full time so during the pattern is the same as hers. I adopted her pattern and made it mine from the start. It's only when I change from her pattern to my old "default " weekend pattern when the problem starts... .as I've told her repeatedly: "it's the weekend, when I'm not working, getting up and starting immediately feels just like work....and with intention, and full exactly what I'm trying NOT to do !"

And the one that really puts her over the edge is when I've gotten back into bed! Lol I can see the smoke starting to come out of her ears when I do that!  Needless to say, this really bothers her and she starts to get irritated and angry at times.

And we don't have kids with us, so that's not a concern.

more to come.